Józsi and Jer's

Week in Pictures

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April 21, 2024

This week the temperatures dropped quite a bit all over Europe, including Hungary, and are expected to continue for some more days before it warms up again. Our kitty Casper was sickly. Our local vet Anna came to see him, and she gave us medication for him. We had a frost overnight late in the week, but thankfully it wasn't enough to damage our fruit trees in the back part of our yard.  It wasn't a great week, but it was pretty good considering the circumstances. (and the temperatures!)



This was the temperature on Tuesday afternoon! It was the beginning of a string of chilly days with rain just popping up and then the sun coming back... over and over. It is predicted to continue for some days into the coming week as well.




This week our Casper was not doing well. He was nervous (he is a very skittish cat by nature) and not able to use the litter box as he should. Our local vet Anna came to see him and he got medicine to take each day to help sort out the problem and by today (Sunday) he is doing much better. We are still going to take him to the vet in town this coming week to have him checked with ultrasound to make sure he doesn't have further issues.





This week Jer's flowers next to the driveway continued to grow, in spite of the cold weather. Her rose plant is also growing nicely.





Left, the ferns next to the driveway have grown a lot and are still growing; Center, the milkweed that has grown at the middle yard the past couple of years has sprung up... the bees will be happy!; Right, we seriously cut back the grapevines in the far back of the yard last fall and now they are sprouting nicely.





Left, our second oldest cat, Zuzu (12), who had not wanted to eat her food one morning, finally ate it at Jer's computer desk; Center, our oldest cat, Gracie (13), at Józsi's computer desk, shedding some cat hair in his coffee; Right, the newbie cat, Zoltan, who was found  badly injured last September has recovered and then some. He is a tank!





Left, the ferns that are under the driveway catio have finally started to grow; Center, we had some cold and windy days, but we had some spells of blue skies and bright sun as well. This was the sun as it was close to setting one day; Right, Jer went to the backyard to check the apple and plum trees after we had a frost and everything had survived. Yay!





Left, the nearby water tower on a sunny/cloudy day; Center, early morning view of the sun shining through the next door neighbor's yard onto the hazelnut tree behind our house; Right, our friend who has the home made ice cream shop is now also raising hens for their eggs. Since Jer decided a few months ago that she didn't have time to take care of hens anymore with so many cats (16), she was happy to have someone to buy fresh eggs from here in the village.




Left, we were never able to catch them in action for a photo, but there is a busy family of birds in the tree trunk birdhouse Józsi's dad gave us a while back; Right, today (Sunday) just before starting this update Jer snapped this photo of the sun going down at the back of our yard. She had only a few seconds to catch it so it isn't perfect (you can see her phone's reflection) but it was a beautiful sight. The sunsets will be better when it's warm enough for the catio to be open again.


April 14, 2024

This week started out with a warm day... 80 degrees! We had some warmer than normal temperatures all week, and the leaves on the trees are all out completely except for the walnut tree (its leaves are mostly out, but not quite). For the first time this year, Jer was able to dry a load of laundry outside, and we got our monthly load of cat food. (which covers only their main foods, we do buy bag foods and some tin foods for them as well)


On Monday this was the temperature in our area at 2:32 PM!



The cats were enjoying the warm catio and Jer was able to get a cat bed that needed to be washed dry outside!





Left, the ferns started to grow; Center, near to the fern Jer noticed this tiny little bit of bark that looked like a ghost! It's funny the kinds of things you find in your yard and flower beds; Right, the peony buds are nearing time to bloom.





Left, the rose plant that Józsi got Jer last spring for our 25th anniversary together is doing well; Center, the first lily of the valley plants bloomed; Right, this week it was warm and sunny enough for Jer to get a load of laundry dry outside for the first time this year. Woohoo!





We received our monthly delivery of the main cat foods we feed our 16 cats (this doesn't include some store bought bag and tin foods for Gracie and Zuzu). It's a lot of food when piled up, and of course one of the tabby trio had to climb on top of the stack!





Left, tabby hiding in the box the food delivery came in; Center, our Missy looking a bit "angry" while walking in the driveway catio one warm sunny morning; Right, our Minnie doing another goofy thing while having her photo taken... sticking her tongue out and licking her nose.





Left, the ferns in the garden next to the driveway really grew by the end of the week; Center, it was time to replace the messy carpet bits on the cats climber to the top of the wardrobes... the replacement was done by putting on some stout rope; Right, our oldest cat, Gracie, who showed up as a stray almost 13 years ago and gave birth to some kittens on our porch (one of whom is our Elvis). She would still like to go out and hunt but she is too frail for that, so we keep her now as an indoor only cat and she is pampered.




This was the temperature showing online and then on our porch monitor today (Sunday April 14). The one from the porch is showing a higher temperature than it actually was since the porch is enclosed and holds heat. It did reach about 85f today though, very unusual for April 14!


April 7, 2024

This week we had some varied weather, but by the end of the week it was warm and things were really blooming. On Tuesday our power was off all day due to some work on the electric lines in the village, but at least it wasn't a cold day. (Jer spent a lot of the day cleaning up various things in the yard since it was a bit dark in the house to do much) We had a couple of our kitties who weren't feeling well for a couple of days, but mostly it was a good week!





Left, one of the tabby siblings using a plush toy for a pillow next to Jer's desk; Center, the first day of the year it was warm and sunny enough to hang a few items of washing outside; Right, the strawberry plants are really starting to grow now.





Left, this week (on Tuesday) the power was down in the whole village from 8am until about 3:30pm while they were doing a lot of work on the system. These guys were working just two houses down from our house; Center, the same day the weather was weird... this was the dark cloudy view across the street; Right, at the same time this was the view towards the back of our yard... bright and sunny!





Left, Jer's peonies are really growing now so the flowers won't be far off; Center, the yellow tulips with one red tulip. (there are others of the same sort as the red one but only one managed to bloom in this first season for them); Right, you can see how tall the yellow tulips are... they are some inches higher than Jer's knee!





Left, as you can see... the sun is quickly moving across the driveway. At Christmas time, it didn't shine below the eaves on our house; Center, lots of insects back at the apple tree pollinating the flowers; Right, back catio open and it had quite a few spectators.




Left, a beautiful sunset with rosy stripe clouds; Right, the next morning was bright blue sky with cool temperatures.





Left, some of Jer's ferns are starting to grow; Center, the walnut tree's leaves are growing earlier than usual; Right, with so many birds in the yards Jer made a bird bath towards the back yard.





These are three photos of our parvo survivor Ziggy: in a box in the catio with her paws hanging out the hole; Center, napping on the couch with one of the tabby trio on her back, with her arms out; Right, Jer put the old wooden bird feeder in the catio and Ziggy was the first one to try it... with her puffy tail hanging out!





More kitty photos: Left, 11 of our 16 kitties eating lunch at the kitchen table (with the two senior cats Gracie and Zuzu in the window); Center and right, kitties enjoying some time in the back catio. (this was the first catio we built, the one on the driveway side of the house came about 5 years later)





Left, the warm weather and a bit of rain brought out the leaves on the hazelnut tree behind the house; Center, by the end of the week the blooms on both sides of the grafted apple tree were mostly gone; Right, two little desserts Józsi brought home for Jer from the little local store at the end of our street. Yum!

March 31, 2024

This week we had some cooler days, and then it warmed up very nicely by the weekend. The apple tree had flowers, and all the trees are starting to get leaves now. Our cat Elvis had a bit of a setback health wise, but he was doing much better by the weekend. Józsi got a new (to him) desk and took time to clear out his work area in the porch, Jer received another gift rose, her other tulips bloomed, and it was finally warm enough to have the back catio open for a while on Easter Sunday! It was a good week.






Far left, on Monday this was the sunset in the backyard and the leaves and buds were starting to appear on the apple tree; Left, a close up; Right, by the weekend the flowers were blooming; Far right, there were a lot of bees like this one taking advantage of the pollen!





Left, the logs with holes Józsi's dad made for wild bees already has some customers... there are 5 so far, near where Jer put the red dots; Center, our Elvis has his ups and downs and he had a bad spell early in the week but after a few days he got stronger and got his appetite back; Right, making up for lost time with food.





Left, on Thursday morning (which was the bi-weekly trash pick up day) this truck stopped across from our house... and this was only the front half!  The trash truck was on the street to the left of this and ended up going around their rounds and coming back about 45 minutes later, after the big truck had backed up and parked where they were going to be working; Center, Józsi brought home another surprise rose this week; Right, Jer put the rose in the Easter window in the kitchen.




This weekend Józsi decided it was time to clear out the end of our porch that is his work and tools area as it had accumulated a lot of stuff that needed to be sorted and removed. Left, after taking everything out except the shelves, it got a good cleaning; Right, after stuff was put back, including the desk that had been his computer desk in the house until this week when he bought a used one from someone in the village that is much larger and higher. He also put up a tool rack to hold tools within easy reach.





Left, is that a kitty in the window? Why yes, it is!; Center, the tulip bulbs we were given last year bloomed this week; Right, there were tall plants that we were given last year also, and this year they grew but only one grew a flower. Jer looked it up and it is a Poet's Narcissus. (a kind of daffodil)





Left, Rosie looking like a zombie cat on the cat couch one morning; Center, this weekend it warmed up enough that Jer could open the window to the back catio and it immediately had a lot of customers out of our tribe of 16 cats; Right, Jer noticed that several of the cats kept looking down towards the ground on the right corner and it made her curious to know what they were watching so intently so she went outside to look.





Left, what they were watching was the dark thing that the red arrow is pointing to: it was one of the hatchling birds from the nest in the ivy on the coal shed; Center, it let Jer get close enough to take a photo and didn't go away when she left but it looks a bit grouchy in the photo!; Right, today (Sunday) it was very warm and late in the afternoon Józsi went to the ice cream shop of our friend Helga. Jer hadn't wanted to go out but our friend sent her this cup of various yummy ice cream flavors. Life in a village is great!


March 24, 2024

This week started off nicely, but then we had three nights in a row with temperatures in the 20s!  Most of week was sunny, but we did have a few cloudy days and some rain, and even some hail just a few hours before this update was made! Our cat Elvis had a visit by our local vet again as he took a bit of a downhill turn again, though by now he is doing a bit better.




Left, our mayor posted this photo of the Easter decoration at the bus stop a few blocks from our house; Right, we had three very cold nights in a row on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We were lucky the cold temperatures didn't seem to harm our plum trees in the backyard but people growing apricots did have this year's crops decimated again by the early bloom and sudden frost.





This week our Elvis suddenly went downhill again, very weak and puny and not wanting to eat. Our local vet came by and he got an infusion and some medicines, which worked better for him than the previous week. He was puny the first day or two and spent most of his time sleeping, but was able to get out and go other places including the driveway catio on a fairly warm day.





Two photos of the details on a 19th century muzzle loader shotgun Józsi restored for someone - the wooden parts that is. The stock was very badly damaged and then someone "fixed it" with a carriage bolt through the broken handle, white epoxy in the cracks and dings, and sticky dark oily varnish that made the intricate carvings lumpy and featureless. The checkering (the diamond pattern on the grip and foregrip) was also worn down to a smooth surface everywhere (probably sanded down by the "fixer"). Józsi carefully removed the oily goo, touched up the carvings and hid the cracks and holes with a mix of clear glue and the stock's own wood powder that he collected while sanding it smooth - an old cabinet maker's trick. He also  re-cut all the checkering to perfect condition. After the metal parts were properly restored and put back on it by a gunsmith, the owner visited Józsi's office to proudly show off the old gun. On the right is the head of a walking cane Józsi's dad carved (he has been a woodcarver for many years).




This week we woke up to a really frosty morning on Wednesday!





Left, the fruit tree blossoms on the trees in our backyard all managed to survive; Center, an hour or so later the sun was high enough to melt the ice; Right, some beautiful pink blossoms on a fruit tree in our neighbor's backyard that is right next to the fence between her yard and ours.




This week's cat photos: Left, nothing like a tabby cat feeling safe enough to lay like this on their back next to at your computer desk!; Right, 8 of our 16 kitties waiting on the table for food one day this week (the other 8 were not far away, just not on the table).





Left, one tulip has bloomed (it's one Jer has had for a few years, while the new ones were given to her last spring); The pink tree at the fence with the neighbor. It's not very big, but it's beautiful when the blossoms come out; Right, Jer was able to get a shot of the hatchlings in the nest behind our house (it's in the ivy growing on the coal shed).





Today (Sunday) we were busy inside on our computers when the clouds suddenly burst with both rain and hail! The lights were seriously flickering and we heard a lightning strike really close by (likely hitting the water tower nearby), so we turned our computers off and waited until the storm passed before turning them back on. The clouds started breaking up and there was blue sky again.


March 17, 2024

This week started off with an early morning feeding of the cats and then off to the hospital in town for some blood work done (the results were good). The weather was not bad for the time of year and the cats did get to spend at least some time in the driveway catio. Our senior cat Elvis had another bad spell which required our local vet to come visit and give him an infusion. Thankfully by the next day he started to perk up. It was a pretty good week.





Left, very early Monday morning we had to leave home to get to the hospital in town for Jer to get her blood tested. As you can see, one of the tabby siblings wanted to go along! (her blood test results came back the next day and were all good); Center, the next day Jer decided to bring in the wooden Christmas tree from the table on the porch, and of course there were various cats checking it out!; Right, Davy and Casper sleeping on the couch. Davy (Jones) is quite a big cat, and luckily for the rest of the cats... he is a very sweet natured boy.





This week our Elvis had another spell of being very puny, harfing a lot and not wanting to eat, so we had to call our local vet to stop by and check him out. She gave him an infusion, because he was pretty dried out, and some shots. He did perk up by the next day, and by the weekend he was back to his "normal" self. We are thankful to have a kind and concerned vet like Anna living in our village.




This week we got another month's food delivered for our 16 kitties. Two packages, not on the same day, but at least within a few days. We are once again prepared to feed our kitty family for another month.




Left, three of our kitties sleeping near Jer's computer desk. (Casper, Zoltan, and Minnie); Right, one day Józsi checked the bird's nest in the ivy on the coal shed and found there were four eggs.





Left, patterns of the sun shining in through a side catio window into the hallway to our furnace room; Center, Jer's tulips have multiplied and are nearing the time to bloom; Right, a tree with pink blossoms in the town where Józsi works.





Left, more flowering trees in the town where Józsi works; Center, an old house about 2 blocks down our street had some very dark smoke coming out of its chimney one day; Right, one late afternoon when Jer was going to the far back of our yard to get rid of sawdust from the litter boxes she saw these vapor trails and clouds in the sky.




Left, Józsi brought home this very yummy dessert for Jer one day... it was delicious! (it was a kind of "Panna Cotta", the dark things were cherries); Right, on the corner of our block (two houses between us and these lots) there are two new houses being built. When we bought our house nearly 20 years ago this was all vacant lot with the remains of an old mud walled house.






Far left, Jer took some time this weekend to do a serious cleaning and lime scale removal to the two kitty fountains and they look almost as good as new again; Left, while out one day Józsi ran across an old kitty friend along the street - we do not know what his real name is, but he calls him "Anthony"; Right, late in the week we did have one morning with frost on the car; Far right, mix of dark clouds and sun shining on a house not far from us.


March 10, 2024

This week we had some very warm sunny days, but at the end of the week it turned colder with rain off and on. Seasonal trees and plants are getting leaves and flowers earlier than normal. Jer worked some more days repairing the walls in the kitchen, but needed to take a break from it towards the weekend. She'll get back to it this coming week. It was a fairly quiet week, but a good one.





Left, this was the view of the sun coming up to the left of the house across the street, instead of to the right of it like the past few months... yay!; Center, just another lunch for the kitties in progress, with only half of our 16 cats on the table!; Right, on Monday this was how warm it was in the enclosed porch... very warm for early March! It cooled off and was a bit rainy later in the week but it was a really nice start to the week.





Left, shadows of two kitties in the front window as the sun was coming up one morning; Center, buds on the apple tree in the far back part of our yard; Right, next to the driveway these various plants were all green and with a bit of dew on them one morning.




Left, early in the week this was the view over the shed roofs of our next door neighbor... her various fruit trees all had pink flowers; Right, just some pretty little flowers in the yard. Nothing fancy, but it's so nice to see them.





Left, some of the neighborhood pigeons have been eating the chicken feed that Jer put under the apple tree after we got rid of our chickens a while back; Center, Scruffy (a neighborhood cat) eating cat food (he did eat the whole tin); Right, Scruffy being a good boy and cleaning himself up before leaving the porch to continue his rounds.





This week Jer made some good progress with the kitchen wall but needed to take a break from getting up on a chair for a couple of days so she took the time to sort out the small counter area in the place where the stove is. Everything was cleaned out and she brought in some red tiles from the porch to put on the wooden board that was the counter there. On the right is one of our shy black kitty sisters, Daphne. DeeDee is the only one of the three who gets out and around like the rest, her sisters Dora and Daphne both are pretty timid and skittish. (but sweet!)


Józsi took this pretty morning photo of the aeroponic tomato plant between our village and the one 1 kilometer away. It is big, the photo shows about half of it with the sun lamps on inside.





This week our friend Helga did some decorating for Easter at her ice cream shop in the village; Center, the grass in the back third of our yard had grown very long in clumps; Right, on the weekend Józsi took time to mow it. (the grass in the front and middle yards are not that long yet, but will need to be mowed sometime fairly soon as well)



March 3, 2024

This week our weather was somewhat back and forth with being sunny and then rainy, but it was warmer than normal and things are sprouting in our yard earlier than normal. Jer took some time to start working again on the walls in the kitchen since it was warm enough to have the hallway catio window open. It was a pretty good week all around for both us, and the kitties.





Left, this is how rough ALL the walls in our house were when we bought it nearly 20 years ago, and Jer has been working on smoothing them out when she had time and materials to do it. (back in the USA she did a lot of drywall finishing and this is something like doing the last smoothing layers); Center, her compound was almost out so she asked Józsi to bring home a couple of buckets; Right, starting at the corner where the bathroom door is, she made it about halfway across on day 1. (this area was very uneven, so it took several thin coats to reach this stage)





Left, Józsi did bring her home two more buckets of compound; Center and right, working on the left part of the wall. The edges are still a big rough but once everything has a smooth surface she will deal with the rough edges. There will still be a lot to do in the kitchen, but this wall was the largest and most uneven area. As you may figure, the polycarbonate sheet in the arch-counter area is there because otherwise the cats use it for a through way and that is a no-no where shelves are usually filled with cans and jars of things...





Cat pics: Casper and Ziggy on the couch; Center, Zoltan in a box in the back room, and Right, Minnie and one of the tabby siblings curled up together in a milk box on a chair at the kitchen table.






Far left, Zuzu sleeping atop the wicker set of drawers in the kitchen (while Jer was working on the wall where it usually is); Left, Józsi brought home a pink rose one afternoon!; Right, our temperatures have been so warm that lots of trees and plants have started to sprout leaves much earlier than normal; Far right, morning glory seeds from last year have sprung up... more than two months earlier than last year.





Left, Jer got the last bit of the ivy into the yard waste bin on Saturday (after they came to empty the yard waste bins); Center, while raking and tidying the space Jer noticed a bird where the nest was last spring; Right, Józsi checked the nest out and found there were 3 eggs in it.




Left, Gracie sleeping in a new bed and Right, Dennis enjoying a noisy brown wrapping paper. They played with the paper for some hours before it was in too many pieces and had to be put in the bag for using to start the fire in the furnace.






Far left and left, views of the pink flowers on some of the fruit trees in our next door neighbor's middle and back yard; Right, Jer's chives are all coming up; Far right, after clearing out the space back by the garage, Jer decided to bring the various old items she has found around the middle and backyard (sometimes buried) up to the front, in the side garden next to the driveway.


February 25, 2024

This week our weather was good for the time of year, although after a dry start to the week we did have a fair amount of rain later on. On the sunny days we had some amazing sunsets and although we missed the full moon again (rain) Jer did manage to get a couple of shots of the moon the day before. One sunny and fairly warm day Jer took some time to move the pile of wood scraps in front into the carport, making a better view of the backyard. Still some work to be done, but spring is coming soon!




Left, Józsi was given a gift for both of us this week; Right, an unusual cloud formation early one morning at the start of the week.





Left, one afternoon when Jer had gone to the back part of our yard she saw this unusually bright sunset. Once the weather warms up and leaves come out these won't be visible, so she enjoys them in the fall and winter months; Right, same day but different direction... can you spot the pink plastic bag high up in the walnut tree in our backyard? It will be interesting to see how long it manages to stay up there.





The weather forecast was for rain the day of the full moon, but the evening before Jer was outside and took some photos of the almost full moon from various places in our yard.




This week we had a couple of days that were sunny, and Jer took advantage of one sunny morning to dismantle part of the old fence to the far back of our our yard (what is left will have to be cut out) and to move the pile of old boards and stuff into the carport.





Left, our Elvis's health issues mean he is hungry very often during the day (he gets fed multiple times, smaller amounts), and here he was waiting by his food bowl next to the kitchen sink; Center, one day Jer decided to spend most of the day working on her mending pile and she started with the kitty mouse toys that needed repair; Right, one of the black kitty sisters decided she wanted the blue spotted mouse even without a tail! (Jer let her have it, she can add a tail sometime later)




The next round of mending was of our own stuff. Jer took some hours to work through all of these, while our cat Minnie snoozed and Jer watched some Christmas shows on the wall tv next to her desk. (this was Muppet Family Christmas, one of her favorites)





This week we had a number of cloudy days, but at least it wasn't too cold even on those days. Left, one morning Jer was at the front window and noticed that one of the trees of our across the street neighbor looked like it had Christmas lights!; Center, it didn't have lights on it... the Christmas tree at Jer's desk reflected in the window was the culprit! With 16 cats in our fairly small house, we no longer have room to put the tree up in a safe place so she just leaves it up next to her desk all year. Jer is old enough to appreciate Christmas all year while she's still around!; Right, the snowdrops next to the driveway in bloom.





Left and center, this weekend Józsi had to go to town to help his dad with getting a new washing machine installed and while he was gone Jer filled the yard waste can full of ivy leaves. We thought it might take 3-4 weeks to get rid of it all, but she managed to get almost all of the leaves in the can; Right, our oldest cat (and mother of Elvis) sleeping with an old mouse toy made by Jer a couple of years ago. She was an outdoor cat for about 12 years and still wants to go out and hunt, but she is now a bit frail so we decided she needs to be an indoor only cat now.


February 18, 2024

This week our weather wasn't quite as warm as the previous week, but it was still pretty nice for this time of year. We had some sunny days and some cloudy days with rain. Seasonal plants are starting to grow, and we got a  monthly shipment of various cat foods for our 16 kitties. There were a number of interesting sights to be seen in the skies involving the sun, and also jets and geese!





On Monday there was a pretty sunset on one side of our house, but a lot of very dark clouds moving on the other side.






Far left, Tuesday started out with a nice sunrise, the sun continues to move to the left; Left, an early and very delicate fungi growing on an old post in our backyard; Right, the snowdrop plants are about to bloom; Far right, one morning Jer was outside and caught this shot of a jet flying beneath the moon.





Left, some frost mid week but it didn't do any real damage; Center, the bulbs we were given last year that Jer planted under the catio next to the porch are coming up nicely; Right, at the end of those bulbs there are chives already coming up... in February!





Left, Juniper (one of the tabby trio siblings) watching something on the day of the big monthly cat food delivery; Center, RayRay behind all of the cat food, with Gracie on the chair; Right, Juniper seems to want to know if all this Bozita box food is for her!





Left, all of the new cat food packed away with what other cat food we had left from a gift; Center, one day Jer was out in the driveway with her phone and she looked up to see a couple of geese flying overhead; Right, another bright morning sunrise... with jet trails!





Left and center, on Friday morning Jer was outside and happened to have her phone out to take these two photos of two jet trails crossing paths in the sky. This was the first time she had seen this happen when she had a way to take photos; Right, late Friday afternoon  when Jer was going to the backyard she saw this amazing sight of many jet trails in the sky! Józsi was in town doing some shopping and he saw them as well. It was the first time we had ever seen so many trails in the sky at the same time.





Left, while Józsi was out in the village he stopped and bought a rose to bring home to Jer; Center, she put it in the kitchen window; Right, the sun continues to move higher in the sky and lower on the side of the house... and the driveway catio.





Left, Dora was sleeping in the shelf next to Jer's desk when Jer put this toy mouse in with her. She wasn't sure what to think at first!; Center, on the blanket area to the left of Jer's computer desk were Minnie (with no tail) hugging Ziggy; Right, Ziggy parked on the bottom rung of the steps that lead up to the top of the wardrobes.


February 11, 2024

This week was warmer than usual for the time of year, and we were able to get some yard work done sooner than usual. The sun continues to show itself more and more on the side of our house (and the driveway catio) and Jer finally had time to change our kitchen window over from Christmas to Valentine's Day!





Left, this was the temperature at 2pm on Monday; Center and right, the next morning Jer noticed that some of her early blooming flowers next to the driveway had started to grow.





Left, this was the view early in the morning when Józsi was getting ready to go to work; Center, he took this photo at the nearby train station as the sun was getting ready to come up; Right at the same time Jer took this photo from our gate. It was a beautiful sunrise! (and in Jer's there is a jet trail on the left)


Left, when the sun rose this was the view of our walnut tree and the trees at the far back of our yard; Right, kitties enjoying the sunrise... one in the window, and one inside.





Left, on Wednesday the forecast called for temperatures of 61; Center, though our porch is often a little warmer than outside it did reach more than what was forecast that day... yay!; Right, Jer and Minnie after a long day.






Far left, a warm day meant cats could spend some time in the driveway catio; Left, you can see the sun is moving higher in the sky so there is some sun on the side of the house again during the day; Right, it reached a bit over 65 degrees that afternoon!; Right, Jer took adavantage of the warm weather to do a bit of tidying the garden at the side of the driveway.




Left, on Saturday we decided to spend some time trimming back the ivy on the side of the coal shed behind our house. (it turned from warm to cold very fast last fall so we didn't get it done); Center, Józsi working on trimming the ivy; Right, the end result and a big pile of ivy. Right now it looks a bit ragged but the ivy grows back quickly.



Today (Sunday) Jer finally took time to get the Christmas stuff down in the kitchen, and changed the kitchen window over from Christmas to Valentine's Day. (Christmas stuff in our main living area around Jer's desk will stay up as we don't have room to store it anymore and Jer likes to see it all year!)


February 4, 2024

This week we had some cold days but towards the end of the week things warmed up and the cats had a bit of time in the driveway catio on several days. We had a couple of the usual naughty cat incidents...with 16 cats, there are bound to be a couple of cats who have some issues. We got a package with more special cat food for our special needs senior cat Elvis and a cat bed (the cat bed we chose for bonus points). By today (Sunday) we had temperatures in the 50s Fahrenheit, much warmer than normal and with more to come. All in all, it's been a pretty good week.





Left, this week started out with one last time a cat peeing in the old wicker chair in the back room. Out of 16 cats, only two have this problem but it does make extra work for Jer. Two of the old wicker chairs are in the porch awaiting next weekend's trip to the recycling place outside our village; Center, Jer brought in one of the plastic chairs from the porch and put some plastic mats down in the seat (which has open areas) and so far no one has made a mess (and if they do, it won't be a problem to clean up); Right, one morning it was quite cold overnight and Jer snapped this photo of some junk in the firepit that had been in water and it froze.





Left, this week a large box arrived; Center, special cat food for Elvis was the main content (he has a kind of malabsorption and IBD); Right, besides the cat foods was a special item we chose for bonus points... a really nice cat bed! Naturally Dennis was the first to try it out.





Left and center, Jer kept the box and cut out a door and some triangle windows on the front and back. It replaces the old box that was there in the doorway to the back rooms, and the cats seem to really like it; Right, late in the week we were given a lot of stuff of various kinds for kitties by someone we know. We are always thankful for any help when it comes to taking good care of our 16 cats.





Three of our kitties (Juniper, Davy Jones and Missy) enjoying exploring the packages and trying out some of the toys that we received.





Left and center, Ziggy and Minnie enjoying some catnip toys; Right, our oldest cat, Gracie, taking a peaceful snooze. With so many other cats she sometimes gets annoyed but mostly she has adjusted to living life inside.




Left, another amazing sunset one day this week. Sunsets are awesome all year, but once the leaves are on the trees we can't see them as well; Center, one evening Józsi decided to make some homemade pancakes; Right, the first bite taken after the syrup went on... and Jer pronounced them very yummy!


January 28, 2024

This week was fairly warm for the time of year... warm enough for the driveway catio to be open for a short time several times. We didn't get to see the full moon (as so often happens) but we did get to see the night before and after it. Józsi celebrated a birthday this week and we celebrated by ordering a nice dinner from our local village restaurant, and Jer finally repairing Józsi's favorite pair of at home pants. All in all, it was a good week!






Far left, the days are starting to be long enough for the solar lights to get enough energy to to light up when it gets dark; Left, one late afternoon when Jer was taking cat box sawdust (we use wood pellet litter) out to the far back of our yard this was the amazing sunset that she saw! She had to stop and take a photo; Right and far right, pics taken at the front of our house of the "one day away from full moon" shining in the sky.






Far left, we had several warm days for January but this was the warmest one; Left, that same evening Jer saw these two jets looking like they just missed each other (but were probably not close in altitude; Right, while taking sawdust to the backyard Jer spotted a mushroom; Far right, Juniper running to the hallway window one day when Józsi was coming home from work ("Dad is home!"). He had his phone out so he took her picture.




Left, Minnie next to Jer's desk with 3 books: Charles Dickens "The Christmas Books", a small Bible; and Arthur Conan Doyle's "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes"; center and right, on a day when it wasn't windy and wasn't too cold Jer let the cats go out to the driveway catio for a while one morning.





Left, our visitor cat we call Scruffy with his tongue out one morning; Center, one morning Jer was going to cut up some boxes for burning in our furnace, but Zoltan (the rescue cat from last fall) decided that one looked perfect for a siesta; Right, Gracie, our oldest cat (and mother of Elvis) in the window. She was an outdoor cat for more than 10 years and still wants to go outside sometimes, but Jer doesn't let her go out as she isn't able to jump very well anymore.





This weekend was Józsi's birthday and tho we didn't do any big celebration, Jer took some time to repair his favorite "at home" pants. (which had been ripped at one knee some time back) As usual, there was Dennis there with her to help so she decorated him.




Józsi was also given a really tasty cake by his step mom. Soft chocolate crust, vanilla and strawberry. Yum!




Left, a shot taken of Daphne, one of our black kitty siblings in the back room, being spooky; Right, Józsi's birthday dinner from our local restaurant in our village. It was delicious!


A beautiful sunset as seen by Jer in the backyard.


January 21, 2024

This week was fairly cold, but normal for January. We had a monthly order of cat foods delivered, as well as a load of firewood. The kitties mostly took it easy... eating, sleeping, and the occasional scuffles during the day. The more adventurous kitties took the chance to try out the driveway catio for a short time a couple of times but didn't stay out for very long.






Left, this order included the regular foods for the cats, plus some of the special foods our Elvis has to have; Center, a tabby perched on top of the foods; Right, Ziggy snoozing atop the wicker cabinet across from the table.





Left, Tuesday morning Jer was in the hallway and saw our regular visitor Scruffy outside on the wooden sleeping box making it plain he wanted food!; Center, she got him some food and then off he went to whatever his rounds are in the neighborhood; Right, only one sleeping spot empty in this photo one morning when the AC/heater was pumping out lots of warm air over Józsi's desk and onto these 4 kitties. (3 kitties on the couch, and 1 in the box at the top right, to the right of the empty cat bed)




This very useful tool was given us by a friend who takes care of a lot of rescued and special needs cats. (about three times as many cats as we have, but she lives at another village at the end of a lane with farm fields around for them to roam) Thank you, Rozi!





We got a second load of firewood, on a very foggy day. Part of it was put in the wood shed that day, and the rest in the weekend. We should be good for the rest of the winter now.





Cat photos: Left, 6 of our 16 cats eating on the table; Center, Davy Jones in a shopping bag, with Rosie in the background behind him; Right, Casper in his favorite sleeping bed next to the Christmas tree with a plush kitty.





This week Józsi was commissioned to restore a carved old shotgun butt. First order of business will be carefully removing the ugly thick dark stain someone very generously slapped over the delicate carving. Using special solvent and a soft tooth brush it will take some careful work. The butt also has some nasty cracks and botched "repair"... it will be a long project.





Today (Sunday) we woke up to sun but cold temps and frost on the car. Once again, some of our more hardy cats wanted to go out into the driveway catio for a bit. After some sniffing, sunbathing and birdwatching, they quickly opted for their warm cozy places inside.


January 14, 2024

This week we continued to have cold temperatures, but at least our heating system was working perfectly (On Monday we had a visit from the guys who previously fixed the furnace, this time a leaky valve was replaced). We had some cloudy days, but also some beautiful sunrises and sunsets. In the main, it was a pretty quiet week.





Left, on Monday Józsi was home and while in the next village he passed this person with two horses on the main street. This is not uncommon out here in the villages; Center, the next day Jer decided to make some hash browns from scratch. She used to cook all the time, but with taking care of a house and 16 indoor cats she doesn't have that much for cooking anymore; Right, one of the tabby trio siblings, Dennis, on Jer's lap while she is trying to use her computer. He's like a big baby.



One Tuesday evening just after sunset Jer went outside for something and caught this shot of several jets flying over an unusual cloud formation. She had never seen anything like this before.





Left, on Wednesday evening this was the view of the sunset about to happen as taken from the back part of our yard; Center, Thursday morning view out our street window of the sunrise nearing its time; Right, 8:08am and it was 17.5  Fahrenheit outside, and only near 67 inside at Jer's computer desk! (it takes a bit of time for our system to heat up and Jer's computer desk is not near the radiator)





Thursday clouds at sunset. Left, across the street and to the right of us, Center, over the next door neighbor's back shed, and Right, the fiery view from the far back yard. Some people would find this uninteresting, but Jer has always been interested in the sky, the clouds, and in sunsets.








Far left, one chilly morning later in the week the pressure gauge on the furnace; Left, the wood was running low and Jer was feeling good enough to go to the woodshed and split some wood for kindling; Right, the smaller kindling on top of the stove getting dry; Far right, the bigger kindling.





Left, the kitty Józsi is feeding at the police department is looking good; Center, the injuered rescue cat we took in at the end of the summer, Zoltan, squeezing his large self into a small cardboard box - he is a big doofus; Right, our Rosie, who we got as a tiny kitten a couple of years ago, laying in a box on our bed and as you can see by here laying on her back with her feet up... she feels safe here!


January 7, 2024

This week started out again with another day off... New Years Day! Our weather was a bit cooler than the previous week but still warmer than usual in the daytime for this time of year. (It's cooling off rapidly as this update is being done, however!) We got more special cat food for our Elvis delivered, we had several very nice sunrises and sunsets, and Jer took a few days to choose areas in the center of the house (mainly kitchen and bathroom) to do some early "spring cleaning."





Left, on Tuesday a package was delivered and of course kitties were right there sniffing the box!; Center, the package contained a lot of bags of special food for our Elvis, who has some special needs now that he has gotten older; Right, Jer packed them up right away in a plastic bin.





Left, a photo taken early Wednesday morning of the Christmas tree of one of our across the street neighbors; Center, the moon as it looked that morning; Right, a view from the backyard of the sun starting to come up.





Left, the view out our bathroom window around noon that day... lots of clouds in the blue sky!; Right, view out the same window towards sunset.





Left, this week Jer took a few hours out of the day on several days to a bit of cleaning and rearranging in a few places in the house, including the WC. (water closet/toilet room) It's amazing how quickly  things can get dusty in an old house!; Center, one of Jer's characters in the game Milmo enjoying some Christmas snow action; Right, a stray cat hanging around at the police department where Józsi works. He has been feeding it.




Left, four of our 16 cats relaxing on the old couch/bed with big fluffy pillows and soft blankets on top. As you can see, they are very relaxed!; Right, Juniper seemed to be saying "turn that dang light off and let me get some sleep!"




Left, some paw grooming for Juniper; Right, Ziggy, who we rescued as a very hungry kitten and who survived parvo, is now healthy and well fed cat with long fur and whiskers.


December 31, 2023

This week our weather was warmer than normal (much like last year which was warm, at least saving us some fuel!) In the main it was a quiet week, with weather much nicer than is usual for Christmas week here in Hungary. All in all, it was a really good week for this time of year! We wish all of our family, friends and followers of this page a Happy and Prosperous New Year!




Left, Zoltán, the cat we rescued in September, snoozing next to Jer's desk. As you can see, he is a big eater and has really filled out from the skinny, injured cat we took in this September!; Right, this was the temperature showing on Wednesday at 2pm! It reached 54.6 this afternoon while Jer was working on this update. Amazing weather for the end of December! (although we had similar weather last Christmas, it's not normal for this time of year here in Hungary)





Left, Jer loves this time of year when the VLC player has the Santa hat; Center, a star appearing above the house across the street (with the top of their Christmas tree showing in the window below); Right, the nearly full moon setting just after Józsi left for work.




This week Jer took some time to play a bit more Lineage2 on the server we support than she's had time to do for a while. We have played this game for more than 15 years and Jer still loves to play it, on a server owned by one of our friends.




Left, one day our Rosie got caught having been playing with the toilet paper roll under the wall shelf. She didn't seem to be too sorry!; Right, Elvis peeking in at the kitchen door after having eaten his special food in the hallway one morning. "Mom, let me in... I'm still hungry!"



  One day Jer came back to her computer to see our Casper wondering what was going on behind him on the monitor. (It was A Muppet Family Christmas, which is playing while Jer is doing this update... it's one of her favorites!)





This week we had warmer days than normal for the time of year, and much less rain than we've had for the past month or so which meant Jer was able to get some photos of the activities in the sky. Left, jet trails (one quite visible and one faint trail to its right); Center, the sun is  starting to move back down the side of the house... yay!; and Right, jet trails in the sky with jets going opposite directions.



December 25, 2023

This week's update is a day later than usual as we were busy on Sunday night with making a pumpkin pie from scratch (we use butternut squash) and Jer just plain forgot about the update until Christmas morning! (The first time in all the many years she has been doing this webpage!) We had some unusual back and forth weather, between warm and snow. It was time to get rid of our hens as they quit laying eggs some months ago and the 16 cats in the house were more than enough work for Jer these days. We spent a quiet Christmas Day with our kitties, and all is good.




This week we had a lot of mixed weather but it started out with some clear skies in the evening.




On Tuesday morning we woke to some serious frost in the yard!




This week Józsi was given some Christmas gifts by a friend, the Milka bar was for Jer and the zombie looking gingerbread boys were made by his friend and his kids. We like oddball stuff!





Left, on Friday Józsi was going to town in the car and we prepared a crate for him to take the chickens to his dad's house (the crate came from his dad a few years ago); Center the sunset that evening; Right, it was rainy and messy the next morning but we managed to round up the hens and put them in the container. They had stopped laying eggs months ago and lately stopped eating all the various foods Jer was giving them anyway, so it was time for them to end up in the pot.





Left, after Józsi left with the chickens, Jer removed the barrier between the front, middle, and back yards; Center, the next day (Saturday) Józsi had to go to work and we woke up to it snowing!; Right, two of our 16 kitties watching it snow after Daddy had gone to work.





This is what the back part of our yard looked like after it had been snowing on and off all day Saturday!



This photo was taken by our mayor of the area in front of our village's templom that day... very snowy!





Left, this was the 4th Sunday of Advent; Center and right... by Monday morning (Christmas Day) the snow had melted off except for a tiny bit out front. (which was gone within the hour)




Left, today, Monday Dec. 25, this was our daytime temperature at almost 4:30pm! Right, this was the amazing sunset today... one of the most vivid sunsets Jer has seen since we've lived out here. She saw it out the window and ran out to get the photo as she knew the brightness would be gone in a couple of minutes. (and it was)



December 17, 2023

This week was warmer than last week, but towards the end of the week first Józsi came home sick, and the next day Jer turned up with it. We were both pretty sick (and Jer is still not feeling well as she is typing this update) but at least it seems to be turning the corner. Needless to say this week's update will be a pretty short one. Hopefully we will be back to normal by Christmas.




Left, this week only one photo of any of our cats, and this is Zoltan, the newest member of our cat family. His badly wounded back end has healed up so well that you wouldn't know that he had a  very serious injury; Right, a photo Józsi took one day this week, driving to a nearby village to do a routine firearms inspection at a hunt.


Józsi brought home some yummy cake pastries, that are traditional Christmas desserts to this region. They are a kind of roll-up pastry called Bejgli (p:"bey-glee") and they are made with sweetened ground walnut or sweet ground poppy seed filling.





We received two shipments of cat food for our ever hungry bunch of cats, with some special gastrointestinal foods for Elvis, who has a kind of malabsorbtion syndrome.


Advent wreath, week 3. By next weekend we both should be feeling better again!


December 10, 2023

This week started the Christmas season in our Hungarian village, and the various festivities that go with it. We had snow on several different days, which looked pretty but was a lot of work for Jer to keep the sidewalk and driveway passable. (not to mention making a way to the chickens and to the coal shed in the backyard!) The failed gasket on our furnace was fixed and all is working fine now, and one of our older cats, Zuzu, was able to have the bad tooth she was suffering from removed. We would have enjoyed having less snow (especially Jer!) but it was still a good week taken all around.





Some photos borrowed from our mayor's Facebook page. Christmas festivities started out in the area in front of our local templom (Catholic church) with a large crowd and an appearance by Mikulás (Saint Nicholas).

In many parts of Europe, Santa visits early December and gives/leaves candy for kids who have been nice and coal for those who have been naughty.
In this part of the world, the Christmas gifts are brought by the Baby Jesus instead of Santa Claus. He is called Jézuska (often accompanied by an angel) in Hungary, Ježíšek in Czechia, Christkind in Germany, Gesů bambino in Italy.





Left, on Monday the furnace guys came and replaced the worn out gasket on our old furnace. It turned out to be some completely improper rubberized gasket - it is a miracle it lasted this long before it ruptured. It was replaced with a proper heat resistant sealing gasket and the furnace has been working just fine since then; Center, on Monday it was the turn of one of our neighbors to host a day of the annual "days of Christmas" visiting (welcoming people with snacks and cookies, and tea for the kids, mulled wine for the adults), this year it was Day 4; Right, it was on a very cold day so there were fewer people than usual.





Left, due to the cold weather and lower turnout (we didn't go as Jer was not feeling well) our neighbor had some yummy home made leftovers of treats she had made and brought some over to us (sweet poppy seed cakes and cheese wafers); Center, the next morning it had snowed and Jer went out to sweep the sidewalk; Right, it was quite cold and this was an interesting frozen shape hanging from the end of the gutter on our porch.




The week was cold and we had snow (mostly overnight) on several different days. These were shots taken by Józsi at our local train station while on his way to work one morning.





Jer took some photos of several of our neighbors' Christmas lights.





Left, one day Jer noticed that someone had come by our house pulling a sled; Center and right, one of our oldest cats, Zuzu,  was able to go to one of the several vets we use for an issue with a bad tooth. With this bag we have, she was able to have it removed without having to have anything to put her under (since anaesthesia is always a risk and the removal was quick and as painless as possible). The tooth was removed without issue. She is eating much better now!






Left, an overnight snowfall and the trash and yard waste cans had about 5-6 inches of snow on them; Center, once Józsi went to the train station and the snow stopped Jer shoveled the driveway where the car is parked; Right, out the front window you can see it warmed up enough for the snow on the street to melt; Far right, another day starting with snow and Jer went out and shoveled and/or swept the snow off in front of our property.






This week only a few photos of cats.... Far left, the neighborhood cat we call Scruffy appeared a couple of times for food and a bit of relaxation; Left, Minnie (our cat with the amputated tail) and one of the tabby siblings sharing a box with a blanket; Right, on Friday morning we woke up to find a dead shrew on the mat just outside the doorway to our main room! (freshly killed as it was not stiff) We guessed it came into the furnace room in a bucket with wood and made its way to the warmer part of the house by sneaking under the old kitchen door that opens to the hallway, and was killed by one of our cats. We don't know which one it was, but our big black cat Davy was not feeling well for a day or so and we think it may have been him (some shrews have venomous saliva and their bite can cause some light sickness in cats); Far right, one morning Jer put her handmade kitty Christmas ornaments in a bag with some fresh catnip and let the cats enjoy it.




Left, the second Sunday of Advent and Jer has her wreath up; Right, she also turned on some of the other candles on the shelves around her desk. We love Christmas at our house!


December 3, 2023

This week started out well, but it turned colder and on Tuesday our old wood/coal burning furnace suffered another failure so we had to make do with other ways to keep warm all week as the guy can't come to fix it until Monday Dec. 4th! We also had coal delivered on Thursday, the day after a lot of rain (a mess!) and then it turned cold and we had snow. Talk about a stressful week! At least Jer got the Christmas decorations up and today (Sunday, Dec. 3rd) is the first Sunday of Advent.





Left, a better shot of the Christmas tree than in last week's photos, with the inevitable kitty napping; Center, our Elvis continues to hang in there health-wise, although he goes back and forth with being extremely hungry all the time to being very picky from one day to the next. He isn't losing weight, at least; Right, Jer with only half of our 16 cats one evening.





This week started out great, fairly warm weather for the time of year and the furnace working again and then on Tuesday evening something went wrong and the fire had to be removed as the water was spilling out on the floor. Left, the water on the floor; Center, the gasket that finally wore out; and Right, with only our air conditioner/heater in the front room and cold weather coming our friend Luke loaned us an electric heater for the back room. At least the air conditioner in the main room is also a heater, so we and the cats could keep warm. (while the back part of the house at least wasn't cold)




On Wednesday the sun came up and showed the walnut tree with its bare branches, and a beautiful sunrise happening across the street.




On Wednesday Jer decided it was time to do the Christmas decorating in the kitchen, starting at the kitchen window area.



Kitchen shelf over the arch to the stove area decorated... check!




Left, below and right to the shelf she hung up a quilted Christmas quilt she made about 10 years ago, with hand embroidered Christmas characters; Right, the weather then changed over to cold and very rainy. When the load of coal Jozsi had ordered was delivered on Friday the yard was left a mess. (Jer had flattened it down before taking this photo) The coal got wet, but at least we have a nice load of coal now.




This week Jer also redecorated the shelves above her computer desk. They always have some Christmas decorations all year, but the big stuff like the Advent wreath and the Advent tree (that she made a few years ago) were put up, along with some other items. Yay!





Left, On Saturday it started to snow, and it accumulated a bit more than expected; Center, The house we can only see when the leaves are gone had a snowy roof; Right, on Sunday there were little icicles along the roof of the driveway catio that looked kind of like Christmas lights or decoration.





Left, ice at the end of the gutter along the porch on a cold Sunday morning, Center, the Advent tree has started to collect ornaments; Right, the first week of advent and Jer's wreath has its first lighted candle.



This week the village put in a couple of Christmas trees to be decorated for the holiday. This was the first one and another was put up to the left. (borrowed from a post in Facebook)





Left, another borrowed photo and this was of the decoration at the bus stop on the main street a couple of blocks from our house; Center and right are photos of some decorations Józsi took at the CBA grocery parking lot in the village next door.



November 26, 2023

This week started out still being warm for the time of year, but we did finally have a hard frost that got rid of the walnut tree's leaves and killed off the raspberry plants next to the driveway catio. In spite of the frost, the days were still pretty nice for the time of year. We received some gifts, Jer managed to get two good photos of the moon with her cell phone, the hidden house finally emerged in the backyard, and Józsi got some new Christmas tree lights so Jer could clean and redecorate the Christmas tree next to her desk. (it's there year round because we have nowhere to store it these days, with so many cats!) It was a good week.




Left, the moon at about 4:45 pm on Tuesday. Jer was lucky to be able to get a good shot with her cell phone this time!; Right, the leaves dropped enough this week for the back of the house around the corner to be seen from the fence to the far back part of our yard. It usually happens a lot sooner than this, but it's fun to watch for it to appear every fall.






Far left, on Wednesday morning the pink morning glories were still in bloom; Left, the next morning there was frost for Józsi to scrape off the car before leaving for the train station; Right, the morning glories got frosted for real this time; Far right, later on Jer went out and removed all the morning glories. (and made sure to let any seeds fall before taking the lot away to the garden waste bin!)





Left, that morning the leaves on the walnut tree finally began to fall; Center, by late afternoon the leaves were gone and Jer had raked up the ones near the hen house to be put in the yard waste after the next pick up; Right, at least there was enough room for the dead morning glories in this week's bin!




This week Józsi brought home some gifts that someone gave to us, including Christmas candies and also some coffee and perfume for Jer.




Left, the leaves in the far back of the yard (where Jer dumps most of the sawdust from the cat boxes) still have lovely colors, and sometimes some frost or nice big water drops on them; Right, this week Józsi took the cat shelters he built some weeks back, and helped a local animal rescue group place them at a spot in town where they have a small cat colony they manage (feed them and also trap, neuter and release them). These insulated shelters will help the cats cope with the frost for sure.






Left, the sunrise has now moved several houses to the right of where it happens in June; Center, around noon the sun barely reaches the eaves... soon it won't shine on the side of the house for some weeks before it starts to move back down; Right, the almost full moon on Saturday at about 4:15 pm.... another good shot Jer was able to get with her new cell phone's camera. (it's hard to get a good photo of the moon with a phone camera, mostly it seems to be just plain luck!)






Far left, on the weekend more frosty bits on leaves in the far back of the yard on sawdust dumping duty; Left, removing stuff from the Christmas tree so it can be cleaned and new lights put on; Right, about halfway through the process; Far right, all finished. The only strings of lights Józsi could find were 100 instead of the 50 lights we had before, so Jer just had to go with that. (We are getting used to it, and she was able to arrange garland and things on the tree that would would block the light a bit!)


November 19, 2023

This week started out with frost on Monday morning, but warmed up again after that. Our wood burning furnace had a failure with its old water tank, which meant the fire had to be quickly removed from the furnace and the wood and coals taken outside quickly... not fun!  We were lucky that the furnace repairman in our own village was able to come over within a day and replace the bad parts and refill the system with water for a very reasonable price! Józsi got to see helicopters in town while at work the same day, and Jer found a lot of tiny mushrooms in the back part of our yard while dumping sawdust from the litter boxes. We winterized the hen house and turned off the outside faucet, and moved the Lada back to the carport. Best of all was just before Jer started working on this update, she was outside putting the hens up and saw a huge rainbow in the sky just to the left of our house!





Monday morning, our first frost. It wasn't enough to kill anything off, but the coming week a hard frost is expected.





Left, on Tuesday morning Jer decided to get the floor of the hallway to the furnace room cleaned up and repainted at the bottom. Luckily she did this first thing after Józsi went to work, because the guys who were going to repair our furnace called to say they could come that same day!; Just after she finished getting the paint dry and putting the lino back, guess who showed up at the window wanting food? Yes, it was Scruffy! (a neighborhood cat) He ate the whole tin, wanted his head petted and then left to do whatever he does during the day.




This week Józsi saw American military helicopters in the small town where he works at the police department... very unusual! Three Chinook transports and a smaller escort.





The guys did a great job replacing the expansion tank and pump that had failed connected to our wood/coal burning furnace! (it heats radiators in the house via water pipes) We were very relieved to have it fixed so quickly, since cold weather is going to finally arrive before long.




The walnut tree has lost a few more leaves than this photo taken at the beginning of the week, but most of its leaves are still on as of today (Sunday). With colder weather on the way, in a week it will probably lose most of its leaves. The sunrise shining behind leaves in the yard is always a beautiful sight!






That same morning Jer went to the back to dump sawdust and found a lot of interesting mushrooms and toadstools in the far back of our yard.






Far left, with freezing temperatures in the near future and the morning glories on the porch not having many flowers anymore Jer decided to take then all off on Friday. (so she could get all the bits from the mesh where they were growing while they were still pliable); Left, the morning glories on the catio won't be hard to remove and they are still blooming so she left those alone; Right, it was the time of year people come around from the local Catholic templom to sell calendars and Christmas postcards, and the usual nice older man in a wheelchair showed up so Jer bought a Calendar and a postcard as she always does. (even though she is Protestant, it's nice to help support the locals!); Far right, the shadow of the house next door still creeping up during the day. Before Christmas it won't shine below the eaves of the roof for about 2 weeks before starting back down.





Far left, the shelf Józsi made for the kitties to reach the bathroom window needed a bit of reinforcement (some of our cats are light, and some are pretty heavy!) so Jer made and painted a piece of wood to hold it up and it's working well; Center, we had very windy days most of the week, some with rain and some without rain... but it was so windy it kept trying to take the tarp off our old Lada so Jer put some heavy stuff on both front and back to help keep the tarp from being ripped off; Right, chicken coop has been winterized... check!




Left, dark clouds but sun on Sunday afternoon. As Jer was going to the backyard to do a couple of things before putting the hens up, she looked up and saw this huge rainbow in the sky over our back neighbors' house. She didn't have her phone so had to run to the house and it had faded from the brilliant colors of a minute before, but it was still an amazing sight... especially for the later part of November!


November 12, 2023

This week started out with fairly warm temperatures but cooled off a lot by the weekend, and we had quite a bit of rain during the week! The leaves on the walnut tree are starting to drop but it still has most of its leaves.  Our power was out for a few hours on Friday afternoon/evening but that was compensated for by a nice goose dinner from our local restaurant. All in all, it was a pretty good week for early November.




Left, the week started out sunny and dry with the walnut tree really starting to turn bright colors (it has started to lose leaves since this photo was taken); Right, after a lot of years of having to move a muddy (when it rains) brick to keep one side of the front gate open Jer decided to wash the brick and use a heavy concrete piece from our old washer to hold the brick up out of the mud. Problem solved!




Left, our newest cat (the one who had the serious damage to the place at the base of his tail, but is now healed up) and one of the tabby siblings napping to the left of Jer's computer desk; Right, the leaves are falling later than usual but the house around the corner is a bit more visible from our backyard than it was last week.





Left, the late strawberry from last week apparently had a visit by a slug. Jer tossed what was left to the hens to fight over; Center, November and the morning glories on the driveway catio are still blooming; Right, morning dew on one of the flowers.




Left, in the 18 years that we have lived in this house we have usually had to make a fire to heat up the radiators long before this time of year but this week we did make the first fire of the season (by the time this update was finished, Jozsi noticed that the pressure tank on the system is having issues, so that firing was the last until someone can come and replace it - always something); Right, our large rescue cat Minnie on Józsi's lap (sometimes he calls her "Chicken Legs", you can see why). She is a sweet and funny character and quite scared of the other cats in spite of being very big for a female cat.





Far left, a sunset one morning when Jer was out letting the hens out; Center, delivery of cat foods for our 16 cats; Right, kitties and boxes... that is all.





Left and center, on Friday our power went out in the afternoon and was off for a few hours. We and the houses on either side of us are at the end of this section of the power grid on our side of the street and this happens to us several times per year. At least the houses across the street and the street light across from our house are not affected when this happens; Right, after Józsi arrived home from work we got a take out of the traditional food for this time of year: goose, red cabbage, and onion potatoes. It was delicious!




Left, a beautiful sunrise one morning (when it wasn't raining) and Right, Józsi's view of it from the train station about a mile from our village.




Left, Jozsi saw these leaves covering the large concrete slab where the small recycling place is outside the village; Right, once they got rained on and trampled/driven over, they left these dark prints all over the smooth concrete.





This week the sun dropped enough lower in the sky that it hardly shines on the side of the house (and catio), and before long it won't shine at all between our house and the next door neighbor for several months. Jer was outside and saw this pretty pattern on the side of the house made by the sun shining through morning glories; Right, the morning glories making the pattern.





Left and center, the shade in the middle of the day at this time of year; Right, our sweet boy Casper in one of his relaxing/sleeping poses.



Last but not least: Missy, our paranoid princess. She has behavioral issues, but we love her.


November 5, 2023

This week remained warmer than normal, but we had some dry sunny days and a couple of very rainy days as well. The days grow shorter and the shadow of the house across the driveway means not much time in the sun for the driveway catio even on a warm day, but at least the cats were able to spend some time outside on a few days. All in all, it was a good week.




This week started out sunny and warm and the cats enjoyed the driveway catio until it was nearing sundown.


This was the temperature at 1:20 pm on Monday!




On Wednesday it was a holiday here (All Saints Day) and it was another warm sunny day. The recent addition to our cat family, Zoltan, really enjoyed his time in the sunshine while it was shining in the side catio.


Wednesday's temperature at 2:41 PM!


Thursday's temperature at 1:44 PM!




This week Jer finally had time to make at least a small dent in the pile of things to be mended. Left, these were all the socks needing mending... she was able to mend all but the two pairs one afternoon; Right, due to the warm weather and various other things that needed her attention, the pile of various kinds of pants and one apron are still awaiting their turn. At least she was able to make a bit of a dent and once the weather gets cooler she can get back to mending.





Left, one day Jer took this late afternoon shot through the back catio through the window. So nice to still see leaves on the trees this far along in the the year; Center, the very day of this update (Sunday) Jer spotted one last strawberry in one of the plant pots near the side catio. Amazing!; Right, a few minutes later she was able to catch a photo of a small plane flying very near to our house... something else that doesn't happen too often.





Left, a shot of the late afternoon sun on the back catio and the hazelnut tree behind it; Center, the sun shining only on the very top of our house as it heads toward sunset; Right, a view of the sun on nearby houses taken through one of the star holes in our front gates.





Left, once Halloween was past, Jer put up the Thanksgiving wall quilt she made some years back; Left, a 10 kilo bag of dry cat food for our 16 cats. They go through a lot of both wet and dry food every month; Right, we use wood pellet litter and recently started buying it in very large bags as we go through a lot of cat litter every month as well.




This week with Jer's help Józsi cleaned out the carport at the back and he took a lot of unwanted stuff to the recycling center on Saturday; Right, a beautiful sunset on Sunday taken from the fence to the far back part of our yard.





Left, only a short time later the sun had set and the clouds were all pink; Center, it was also time for the solar lights to come on next to the driveway catio, with some pink morning glories nearby; Right, our Casper, already asleep.


October 29, 2023

This week our temperatures continued warmer than normal and we had a spectacular sunrise one day. Our visitor cat Scruffy finally turned up for food after weeks of not having been seen, we made a shelf for the kitties to have an easier climb to the window above the bathtub to watch the birds and the yard next door, and Józsi finished up the shelter boxes for stray cats he'd been working on. Today (Sunday) the time changed and went back an hour. All in all, it was a good week!





Left, our most recent rescue cat (now named Zoltan) was taken in to the vet on September 4th and you can see the extent of his injuries on the photo taken 4 days later, on the 8th. The vet was not sure he was going to recover from them; Center, a photo taken of Zoltan's tail today (October 29) and you can see that his injuries are healed and his fur has grown back! (the vet has been given progress photos); Right, the neighborhood kitty we have fed when he showed up for some time (and who we let sleep in our hallway when it is cold, and took him to the vet when he was injured) finally showed up for food after having not been seen seen for almost 2 months. He is not skinny anymore, which we were happy to see. There is another cat who looks very much like him who has a collar that comes around as well, we think they are related but since we don't know exactly which house they come from we can't be sure. They know they can sleep on our porch or the carport and will get food if we see them in our porch.





Left, two white roses from the plant Józsi got Jer a few months back to celebrate the 25th anniversary of her coming to Hungary from the USA. In the early morning light they looked a bit like eyeballs in a surprised face!; Center, the morning glories growing outside the porch now are both purple and pink flowers; Right, Zoltan lounging in the kitchen sink for some odd reason one day. You can see he is healthy and well fed! 




Left, the driveway morning glories are looking better than ever even this late in the season; Right, one of the three tabby siblings we took in a few years ago... they all feel very safe and relaxed in our house, as you can see here!





Left, two tabby siblings and our oldest cat Gracie (the mother of our Elvis), who was for 10 years an outdoor only cat who loved to hunt and only came in to the hallway to sleep when it was cold outside. Now that she's older (around 12) and not so spry we keep her inside where she is safe and well fed; Center, one day Jer noticed that the box where our very skittish cat Missy likes to hang out needed some repair and she took care of that; Right, early morning blue sky and morning glories.





Left, this weekend Józsi made a shelf for the cats to jump up to the bathroom window as they were always trying to get up there to watch the next door neighbor's yard, but not always finding it easy; Center, the shelf in place and Jer having done wall repairs; Right, a sunset photo taken by Józsi one day when he was at another nearby village taking his weekly swim at the local pool.





This week Józsi had the days off except for one so he took time to finish the cat shelters he had been working on. They have been taken to town now and will be put out this coming week where a stray cat colony can use them when it's cold. A local shelter is looking after them, spaying/neutering and feeding them.




Left, the newbie Zoltan and our 11 year old Elvis (son of Gracie) interested in what was going on near the stove; Right, the leaves have started to change color and one morning this was the view Jer saw at the far back of our yard when she went out to let the hens out. It was gorgeous!





Left, the sun shining on the walnut tree behind the hen house; Center, view of the sunrise taken from the fence to the far back of our yard; Right, the water tower at the soccer field in the morning sun. Only a few minutes after these photos were taken the clouds covered the sun and it was all gone and Jer was very happy to have been out early enough to see it.




Left, Minnie (our cat with a stumpy tail due to injuries when she was a feral cat) enjoying the sun in the catio; Right, a photo taken by Józsi of the fall decorations at the bus stop a few blocks from our house.



This was the temperature on Saturday afternoon, and it's also the temperature as this update is being worked on... after 8 pm on Sunday!




October 22, 2023

This week continued to be mostly warmer than normal, with a couple of days midweek that even had one light frost before warming back up again! The kitties continued to enjoy catio time in mostly the driveway catio, but also several quite warm days the back catio (which is always in the shade) was also open. Jer took some time on a couple of days to do some more work on the walls in the outer hallway, and got one section smoothed out and repainted so only one area left to go.






Far left, morning glories still blooming next to the porch; Left, a late rose blooming on the plant Jer got from Józsi for our 25th anniversary last summer; Right, a casualty in the kitchen... one of the cats' plates. Someone knocks one off on the floor and it gets broken. Thankfully it doesn't happen too often, but cats will be cats; Far right, a warm sunny day early in the week and the side catio had plenty of occupants.





Left, Casper enjoying the catio near where the morning glories are growing; Center, the newest cat, Zoltan, enjoying some warm sun in the driveway catio; and Right, another sunny day with cats enjoying the same catio. The sun has moved enough now that the sun doesn't shine in the catio all day anymore, by around 3:30 it's in the shade but they enjoy it while it's warm.



On Tuesday morning this is what Jer found on her computer when she got up to prepare for feeding the cats... it had reached freezing overnight!






Far left, it was cold that morning as Józsi went off to work but there was a pretty cool cloud in the sky across the street from us between our neighbor's evergreen trees; Left, Jer's sage plant (that she had transplanted from a flower pot) had frost on it; Right, the morning glories at the top of of the catio were fine but Far right, only the ones near the bottom were damaged by the frost.





Left, one morning after Józsi had gone off to work Jer noticed the shadow of our house on the walnut tree in the backyard. We have lived in this house for over 18 years, but this was the first time she noticed this!; Center, Jer loves the sky filled with clouds of different shapes, like this one; Right, one of the black kitty sisters, Dora, in a warm cubbyhole on the shelves in the back room. We love all of our black kitties... DeeDee, Dora, Daphne and Davy Jones.




Left, on a cold morning the cats were sleeping in the house, including these four in the favorite sleeping area in our main room; Right, warm days were back and it was Davy's turn to pose near the morning glories on a warm sunny day.





The warm weather this week encouraged Jer to do some more finish work on the walls in the outer hallway. (They had been terribly rough in the first place, much of which she had repaired over the years, but there was still  damage from when the house was rewired a couple of years ago) She made some major headway on the rough side on the wall to the inside part of the house, and was able to finish and paint the wall on the outside wall where the porch and driveway catio are.


Friday afternoon, and it was 76 degrees!




Left, another warm day where the back catio could be open and it had occupants; Right, 74 degrees at 4:42 in the afternoon!




Left, Zoltan's tail has been healed up for a week or two and now the hair is almost filled in as well. It's amazing that such a huge deep wound that he had would heal so well in about a month and a half, but it has; Right, Józsi was asked to be range officer at a commemorative police shooting championship. There were several situations the participants had to face, in his range they had to take targets out after a simulated low speed car collision.


October 15, 2023

This week our weather continued to be warmer than normal right up to Saturday night, when it became colder and also wetter. The cats enjoyed a lot of days outside in the catios (not usual for this time of year) and we got two shipments of cat food, one of canned and box food and the other of dry food. It was quite a good and warm week for the time of year.





Left, RayRay waking up when we did at the beginning of the week; Center, after Józsi went off to work and Jer was going to let the hens out this was the view in the sky across the street... jet trails and the sliver of the moon that was left; Right, just a few seconds later a swallow flew into view.





Left, the tabby siblings (Dennis, Juniper and RayRay) wanting to know what was in the two big boxes... was it cat food???; Center, as you can see... it was cat food!; Right, due to the warmer than normal temperatures for this time of year Jer is still seeing the odd strawberry in the the boxes that have some plants that grow here and there all through the warm weather.





Left, sunrise happening across the street as seen through our front window; Center, the shadow is moving along across the driveway; Right, another much warmer than normal day during the week and the cats taking advantage of it. Several days were actually hot enough that the kitties went inside to nap during the middle of the day as the catio got too hot for them!




Jet trails in the sky one sunny day... on the left is facing towards the backyard, and on the right is facing across the street.





Left, it was so warm this week that a number of days the back catio (which is not in the sun) was able to be open; Center, one very warm day when Jer had laundry hanging out, Jer noticed that a nearby chimney suddenly started to fill the  neighborhood with thick smoke. Needless to say, Jer was not too happy about it!; Right, by about 2pm the sun was already not shining much on the side of the house.





Left, on Friday afternoon just before 3pm this was the temperature... 80 degrees outside!; Center, Jer loves all the cats but DeeDee (one of the three black kitty sisters) is her favorite, especially when she sits in her various camera friendly poses; Right, another delivery of cat food, IAMS dry food and something for our special needs cat, Elvis.




Left, Juniper looking over the side of a box; Right, Jer got the kitchen window changed over from summer to fall, including a couple of pumpkin and black cat items.





Left, while shopping in the next village Józsi took this photo of some seasonal decoration the CBA parking lot; Center, it was warm enough that most of the cats were in the driveway catio; Right, Józsi brought home a large laundry basket and of course the kitties wanted to get into it... in this photo it was Ziggy taking a turn.






Far left, Józsi ran across this old Soviet era medal this week... awarded for "Excellent Worker": as it happened those days, after the high-ups pocketed the productivity premiums, this was what the little people got - a useless medal; Left, he also found Jer this cool old salt shaker; Right, while doing this update Jer took out her Halloween LED light candle for some fall mood; and far right, Józsi spent Sunday afternoon making some foam insulated shelters for feral colony cats in the nearby city of Mosonmagyaróvár.


October 8, 2023

This week our warmer temperatures than normal continued, and also the lack of rain we have had since last winter. Jer continued to experiment with her new cell phone, we had our chimney cleaned out and the kitties got to enjoy some very nice warm days in the driveway catio, and even a day in the back catio. (it's in the shade, so it's usually not warm enough to be open this late in the season) All in all it was a pretty good week.




Left, some rosy colored vapor trails and clouds on Monday evening; Right, on Tuesday it was 80 degrees Fahrenheit at almost 4:30pm!





Left, on Wednesday the chimney sweep came around and cleared out the ashes from our chimney which were less than in the past. (partly due to a less cold winter than usual, and partly due to using our air condition/heater in our main living area at the front of the house); Center, one sunny morning with morning glories and fluffy clouds; Right, some medicines for the cats' home pharmacy (Strangely enough, the ones in the picture are meant for cows - but they work on infected injuries, we used them on Zoltan's wound and they accelerated the healing process). With 16 cats with ages ranging from 1-2 years old to 12 years old, we need meds for several of them for various issues.





Left, a photo Józsi took when he was on his way to work; Center, Zoltan, the newest cat (who had the badly injured tail) in the front window as the sun was rising; Right, the same morning the sun was rising in town when Józsi arrived at his work place.


On Thursday it was showing 71 degrees at almost 4 o'clock!





Left, with Jer's new phone she was able to catch the fading moon in some clouds one morning; Center, the next day she caught the moon above the next door neighbor's chimney; Right, she was amazed to be able to take a photo of what looks like leaves in the water bowl for the hens when in reality it was actually just the reflection of the leaves overhead in the walnut tree one early sunny morning.




Left, the porch with what walnuts Jer has been able to collect this year, which is a fraction of the normal amount. She won't have any to sell this year but at least we'll have some for our own use; Right, Jer was amazed to be able to get a good photo of a jet passing over the moon one morning.





Left, stripes of sunshine coming through the front gates one sunny morning; Center, the mid-day shadow of the neighbor's house has crept far and fast the past month. By December the sun won't shine below the eaves on the house in the daytime; Right, more dead branches brought into the wood storage for kindling this heating season.





Left, Józsi brought Jer home a surprise rose on Saturday morning; Center, 3 of our 4 black and white cats in the driveway catio one warm and sunny day; Right, this cat looks to be a white cat, but Casper is actually the cat on the right side of the middle photo! His black markings are all in the center and his right side but his left side is all white.




This week Jer was happy to get a shot of the mix of clouds and vapor trails from passing jets one morning. She also was glad to see the morning glories on the side of the driveway catio continuing to have more flowers. Next year she is going to keep the raspberry plants that usually grow here cut back (partly due to them attracting a lot of wasps) and let the morning glories rule.




Left, this was our newest rescue cat Zoltan one month ago, after Józsi heard about a badly injured cat in the village and went to find him and then took him to a vet. The vet didn't have high hopes for him as his wound was very large and pretty deep; Right, one month later the skin has healed up and most of the area already has fur growing back! Józsi has kept the vet informed and he is glad that he has been well cared for and doing well.



October 1, 2023

This week our temperatures continued to be warmer than normal. Our rescue cat Zoltan continues to heal nicely from his wound and went to the vet to be neutered this week. Jer's new phone is now working and taking much better photos than her old one, so all that is needed is a bit of practice now. All in all, it was a good week!





Left, our local vet picked up Zoltan and took him with her to where she practices for him to be neutered. The male assistant at the pet clinic in the photo with him is also named Zoltan, hence the smile; Center, One of the other cats bit DeeDee's ear and left a puncture wound. Nothing serious tho; Right, Zoltan came through the surgery just fine and recovered quickly. He also got his combined shots.





Left, the first photo Jer took with her new phone... the stained glass lamp at her computer, Center, Józsi later used it to take a close up photo of the big spider next to the porch; And right, the phone was was used along with binoculars to get a shot of the almost full moon. It will take a bit more getting used to but the new phone is much better than her old one.






Far left and left, the new phone cover we ordered for Jer's new phone; Right, the shadow of the house next door is moving right along across the driveway now; Far right, this was the temperature recorded on the screened porch one day. A bit warmer than outside, but only by a few degrees! It reached 80f here several times this week. (much warmer than normal)






Left, the next day after Zoltan was neutered, Jer took down the cage and put things in the back room back to normal; Center, a shot of a sunset with Jer's new phone; Right, the pink morning glories are blooming where the raspberry plants were cut down some weeks ago due to attracting a lot of wasps from somewhere nearby.



Jer saw this kind of temperature (and a big higher) a number of times this week... much warmer than normal for the time of year.




Left, our Elvis needs some special food which is not always in stock in town so we ordered some to be delivered; Right, the new kid (Zoltan) making himself at home now that he doesn't have to stay in the cage.





Left, this weekend Józsi was able to finish the first layer of covering over the foam insulation on the side of our house facing our next door neighbor. There is still some finish work to do, but it's coming along well; Center, Jer cut back all of the overgrowth from the grapevines in the backyard this weekend; Right, the new phone got a great shot of amazing clouds over the morning glories on our porch one morning!






Far left, a photo of DeeDee, one of the black kitty sisters; Left, Zoltan at the end of his confinement; Right, this was how bad his injury was when we took him in almost 4 weeks ago, and Far right, this is all that is left to heal up. He's done amazingly well.


September 24, 2023

This week the rescue cat continued to heal, we had a very warm sunny week until the weekend (when it turned cold and rainy) but in the main things went smoothly all around. All in all, it was a good week!




Left, our recent rescue kitty Zoltan sleeping in a box in the driveway catio one warm day this week; Right, the huge wound he had a couple of weeks ago is much smaller now and we expect it should be completely closed over within a week or 10 days.






Far left, shadow of one of our black kitty sisters one morning when the sun had just come up; Left, not the best photo of sun in the next door neighbor's yard one morning when Jer went out to let the hens out, but all she had to take photos with was her old phone before last (somewhere around 10 years old); Right, midweek and all the hazelnuts were harvested and walnuts being picked up. By this weekend the basket was full. With the awful weather we've had this year there won't be that many walnuts but at least there are some; Far right, the morning glories growing late in the season next to the driveway catio are the dark pink variety... yay!




This week we saw several cool jet trails. Left, one morning facing front when the sun was coming up and Right, the next day facing the backyard when the sun was going down.





Left, one morning Jer spotted something really odd... a slug crawling up the round metal ring next to our driveway; Center, while out dumping sawdust (from the pellet litter from the cat boxes) one evening close to sunset, Jer snapped this shot of the sun about to set; Right, the morning glories next to the driveway are still doing great in spite of a late start and not much rain this summer.




Left, our Casper's tail hanging out the back of a box in the driveway catio one afternoon; Right, the newest addition (Zoltan, the rescue cat) and Gracie, our oldest cat and mother of our cat Elvis out enjoying the late day sun on the driveway catio on a warm day.




Left, our parvo survivor Ziggy (Stardust) loves to lay on her back next to Jer's computer; Right, our one anti-social (due to her previous owner) Missy likes to sleep atop these books out the the entry door hallway. She has a lot of issues and requires special attention and understanding, but we love her just as she is.





Left, Casper sleeping in a box atop a cabinet between Jer's computer desk and Józsi's computer desk; Center, the recent rescue cat (now named Zoltan) sleeping on top of blankets in our main room; Right, Jer's old phone (which she loved) that suddenly went wonky upon trying to update finally had to be given up as a lost cause after some days of trying to fix it with no success. Józsi got Jer a new phone on Wednesday, which has been made ready for Jer to use. It's bigger than the last one (as every new phone has been over the years) but it will be able to take much better and clearer photos so it's not a bad thing.

September 17, 2023

This week our new rescue kitty (now named Zoltán, Zoli for short) has made remarkable progress, and he tested negative for both FIV and FeLV. Although this year's terrible spring weather had meant fewer fruits on the fruit trees, and few nuts on the nut trees... at least the hazelnut tree right behind the back catio on our house has produced a lot of nuts. Józsi made some more progress on the side of the house in our next door neighbor's yard. Jer's cell phone suddenly locked up during some overnight update, and has still not been sorted out! At least she always moved her cell phone photos to her computer every week so she didn't loose more than a few photos that were taken early in the week (and she was able to retake them again, using her previous phone that Józsi fixed for her to use again).




This week our rescue cat was given the name Zoltán (Zoli for short) and he made remarkable healing progress with his badly injured tail! Left, his tail a week and a half ago, and right, his tail this weekend... filling in fast with new tissue and fur is growing back where his wound is healing.




Left, our vet Anna came by to give him tests for FIV and FeLV and he tested negative for both... yay!; Right, once we new he was no danger to the other cats we started to let him have periods of time to be out with our other cats, including the catios. (which were open all week as our weather was so warm)





Left, Jer continued to pick up the hazelnuts falling from the tree behind our house and by the weekend they had all been gathered up; Center, the spring weather this year was so extreme (well below freezing overnight temperatures for 4 days in a row back in April!) that not only our fruit trees but also our walnut tree didn't have many walnuts; Right, besides the cold weather causing fewer walnuts to grow; there is a very busy woodpecker up high in the tree.





This week Jer woke up one day to her phone having been trying to update but had gotten stuck. (It still is, in spite of numerous attempts to sort it out) She's had to use her old phone (which had been being used by Józsi for some things to take photos) from that day on. Backyard shots on an early morning, and a huge spider up at the front of our yard just below the air conditioner unit. In this case, it had caught a wasp.




This weekend Józsi was able to get a bit more done on the formerly bare brick side of our house that is in our next door neighbor's yard. He wasn't able to get it finished (and the windows will need to be worked on), but he's making progress and there are still some weeks left before the weather might get too cold/wet to continue work. We hope to have it done within the next couple of weeks.






The week continued to be warmer than normal, so things were still growing and staying green and the morning glories continued to grow.




This weekend we decided to remove the winterized cat box to the carport at the back, as the roaming cat Scruffy who often came to visit, eat, and sleep on our porch has not been seen for some weeks (and sadly, he was looking quite puny the last time he was here). We didn't like to move it but wanted to make a safe place for kitties to use somewhere, and wanted to close up the cat entry to our porch. Our oldest cat (Gracie) spent her first 10 years outside before starting to spend time indoors, and now is not really strong enough to do her old rounds outside anymore and we don't want to have the new cat going outside either. As you can see, it was 82f here this afternoon when Jer snapped this shot at her computer... record high temperature for this time of year.






This weekend Joey took time to repair the old and very badly done concrete "flashing" left by the previous owner. It's an old house and has had a lot of "redneck jury rigging" in its lifetime, which we are still sorting out bit by bit after 18 years! He added some corrugated plastic pieces before applying the frost resistant mortar. Not perfect but way better than the old one that was cracked, loose and letting water drip in to the furnace room.


September 10, 2023

This week our weather was very warm for early September!  (upper 80s with a few more days to come with the warmer than normal temps) On Monday Józsi read online about a badly injured cat in the village that had been laying somewhere for days, and he went to the place and picked him up. Found a vet in the vicinity where we could take it to be treated (our vet was busy at the vet's office she works at). He brought him home and we made a safe place for him to recuperate and he has been improving nicely. He will still need some tests, but he is on the mend and we have decided that if he doesn't have anything that could affect our other cats (FIV or FeLV) we will keep him for sure. If he tests positive for either of those, we will have to consider our other cats and how we can keep them safe. If that's the case, we will make sure to find him a perfect home where he is a solo kitty or gets to live with other cats that already have the same condition. For some reason, the tests sent off for our Elvis have still not been processed, but hopefully it won't be too long.




Left, when Józsi went to the place where the badly injured kitty was and put it in a carrier; Right, the kitty anaesthetized at the vet, waiting to be examined.





Left, the deep open wound on the table at the vet's office... it was starting to fester; Center, after the vet cleared out the wound... it was a huge wound and was going to take a lot of care and treatment to make it better; Right, the kitty in the closed off bathroom once it got to our house.





Left, thanks to a loan of a room kennel from a shelter in our region we were able to get the kitty a space in the back room; Center, the wound after a couple of days; Right, the wound this weekend... it is healing.




Left, the kitty resting in the kennel in the back room. Jer checked on him often during the day, to clean his litter box and see that he had enough water to last till the next meal time; Right, every morning and evening we had to take him out to sanitize his wound and give him some medicines. He didn't like it, but no one was injured in the process!






Far left, sun coming up making shadows on the house across the street; Left, sunrise as seen through plants in the garden next to the driveway; Right, a tiny snail in the side garden; Far right, a strawberry bloomed in one of the planters, which Jer picked and gave to Józsi to eat.






Far left, morning glories next to the porch one sunny morning; Left, right, and far right... the progression of mending (with a welder) a broken lawnmower handle.





Left, this was the temperature showing at Jer's computer this afternoon... on September 9th! It seems we have more hot weather to come; Center, a new coolant temperature sensor to replace the old in our car; Right, several of our kitties have been sick with certain symptoms the past few weeks that might have been giardia, so we did tests on them and it was negative for them all. They are now on metronidazole and are doing better but it will take a little time to sort it all out... such is the life with a lot of cats. (15 permanent, and likely to be 16 shortly)


September 3, 2023

This week it was bit cooler than the previous week, but we still had some sunny days that were hot enough to close most of the windows and have the air conditioner on in the main room. We got two deliveries of cat food, Jer did some major cleaning in the furnace room in preparation for having the chimney cleaned out in the near future, and she picked up more hazelnuts from the tree behind the back catio. Late in the week we had an amazingly beautiful cloud display near sunset. All in all, a good week.




Left, the first delivery of cat food. The bag of dry food was for all the cats, but the smaller stuff was for Elvis. We also got a smaller delivery of special food for Elvis. The results of his blood tests are not all in yet but hopefully soon we can find out what is causing him to use up all his food energy so quickly that he can't gain weight; Right, Rosie resting on her back in the back catio one very warm afternoon.





This week Jer took some time to straighten up and mop the area of the furnace room where the ladder to the attic is and where the ashes are removed. It's always a big mess, and it took a number of moppings (and about 20 rinses of the mop after she was done to get the old mop clean afterwards) but at least it is now ready for inspection and cleaning out of the chimney flue sometime soon. On the right, Ziggy and one of the tabby siblings sleeping across from the air conditioner unit in our main room. It wasn't as hot this week as the previous week, but still pretty hot.




Left, DeeDee (one of the three black kitty sisters) and Right, Casper, caught in a huge yawn on the driveway catio one morning.





Left, Missy (a tabby cat we took in some years back when her owner turned her over to the animal shelter in a city near us) enjoying a catio nap one warm day; Center, the rose plant Józsi gave Jer a few months back on our 25th anniversary grew another rose this week; Right, the same rose a bit later when the sun rose enough to shine on it, and it had some dew on it.






Far left, DeeDee again, this time guarding the second box of catfood; Left, the sun continues to retreat across the driveway; Right, it was cloudy on the night of the full moon but Jer did get to see it a day or two later one morning above the neighbor's roof; Far right, Ziggy (our kitty who survived parvo as a kitten) in the back catio. Isn't she beautiful?





Left, one morning when Jer was done giving Elvis his digestive food she noticed something funny on the bag: that it was for sensible cats; Center and right, one day Józsi brought home a rose for Jer and she put it in an old vase in the kitchen on the small shelf where our modem and router are.





Left, one day Jer went to check the hazelnut tree behind the catio at the back of our house and saw this funny sight of a tree full of holes letting sun in; Center, the culprit was the leaf above it which must have been damaged by some bugs; Right, the hazelnuts she found in her apron pocket.





Left, a beautiful little old box brought home by Józsi this weekend for Jer; Center, morning glories have taken over Józsi's bike next to the porch in the last couple of weeks; Right, although a 4 nights in a row frost back in April killed off much of the fruit growing back there, the green apples on the grafted tree are doing fine. (they don't start to grow as soon as the red ones on the other half of the tree do) This is ok with Jer as she prefers the green ones to the red ones anyway.



At the end of this week we had a spectacular showing of pink clouds just as the sun was going down.



More photos of the clouds as the sun began to set.


August 27, 2023

This week continued to be very hot so not much beyond what was necessary was done outside. Jer did tidy up the porch one morning and brought in something (that had once been a bird feeder) that our formerly outdoor cat Gracie liked to take naps in. A visit from our local vet Anna (to check our Elvis), getting laundry dry outside on the hot days, and a bit more progress on Józsi's old car Ruby were some of the highlights of the week. Cooler temperatures are expected soon...yay!





Left, one morning Jer cleaned up part of the porch and removed the old bird feeder that our oldest cat Gracie always liked to nap in; Center, Jer brought it inside and temporarily put it on top of the big cabinet in the hallway leading to the furnace room, the first occupant was Missy; Right, the second occupant was one of our senior cats, Zuzu. By the weekend this had been brought into the house and to the back room where most of the other kitty stuff is.


This was the kind of weather we saw most of the week. Ugh!!






Far left, on Monday Anna (a vet who lives in our village) stopped by to do some tests on Elvis, who is still not doing that well. She will come to to a few more tests tomorrow (Monday, August 28); Left, right, and far right... views of the early morning sun in the far back part of our yard. Summer is definitely nearing its end and fall is approaching.





Left, one hot day Jer decided to vacuum the whole house (which was very dusty and no cool days in the near future) and this was the result: the gray stuff is cat dander (fur) and the light colored stuff is sawdust/wood pellet litter. As you can see, it was mostly cat related! We love them to bits anyway; Center, even though this was a terrible year for plants and flowers, some lily plants have bloomed; Right, the shadow of the sun at mid-day continues to move... it's now started to march across the driveway. Sad in a way, but on the other hand... it's marching closer to Christmas!





Left, one morning Jer saw that the cats had been messing with one of the foam panels in the roof of the driveway catio... she closed the windows so the kitties couldn't go out and then put it back; Center, Jer's hens lay various sizes of eggs... but this week in the same day there was one tiny one (probably the one old hen from the previous group of hens that we still have) and one of the newer ones laying a huge egg!; Right, our Elvis is still hanging in there although his various issues have still not yet been resolved. Our local vet will be coming to visit again to check him and take a couple of more tests. At this point, he is mostly just hanging in there.





Left and center, this week the hazelnut tree behind the house started to drop nuts, and Jer went out to pick them up. Usually she doesn't pick them except off the ground but it seemed something is also eating them off the tree so she picked some that she could reach and looked not far from being ripe and took them to the porch; Right, one of the tabby siblings (RayRay) in a pair of Joey's jeans that were pulled of the chair in the kitchen where he left them. Cats!





Left, Józsi's old car Ruby as she looked a while back, Center, she has now had a number of things replaced, including this piece at the top of the back window (he still has to fix the ugly screwhole the previous owner punched to fit that oversized spoiler); Right, it was also time to tighten up and fix the old ladder in our furnace room. (which is the access to the attic)


August 20, 2023

This week our temperatures were pretty warm, and were very hot by the end of the week.  We got a few things done in spite of the heat, including cleaning out the cat dander from the driveway catio. We had a serious rainstorm one afternoon, got a delivery of wet cat food for our 15 kitties and had a couple of very nice sunrises and sunsets. All in all, it was a pretty good week!





Left, one morning when Jer went out to take care of the hens she took this photo of the sun shining on the old compost pile area at the back of our middle yard. Only a few of the milkweed plants that sprouted ever got flowers as they grew so late; Center, the sun coming up between our house and the one next door (where Józsi is working on finishing the outside wall); Right, a photo Jer took one morning early in the week where the morning glories are blooming next to our porch.





One day when Józsi came home from work he took some time to use his air compressor to get rid of the buildup of cat hair in the side catio. With 15 indoor cats (14 of which use the catios) the cat hair builds up during the warm season.





Left, the sun continues to move and the shadow of the neighbor's house continues to move over towards the driveway; Center, one beautiful morning and a lot of morning glories on the porch; Right, Jer also managed to snap a shot of a bee in one of the morning glory flowers while she was there.





Left, one afternoon late this week some very dark clouds appeared to the north of us; Center, looking at the house on the other side of our driveway there were no dark clouds; Right, about 20 minutes later the dark clouds had moved in on both sides.




Left, a small plane seemed in a hurry to get to where it was going before the weather turned ugly; Right, about 10 minutes later it started raining pretty hard, although not for a long period of time.





Left, the tiny snails have eaten most of the leaves on the lillies in the side garden, but a few are finally managing to bloom; Center, one morning after some rain at night Jer spotted 3 slugs in the area next to the driveway... the hunt was on!; Right, a few were taken care of at the spot but these were the ones that were picked up and disposed of shortly after the photo was taken.





This week we got a partial cat food delivery (the moist foods, no dry food). The Smilla Veterinary Diet foods were for Elvis. That afternoon Jer did some mending on the pile of Józsi's socks, 6 pairs in all. She did most of it with a cat on her lap!




This weekend Józsi had some time and access to work a bit more on the side of our house from our next door neighbor's yard. Sunday it was time for mowing our large yard and it was very hot, so this was as far as we got this week but at least it is progressing.





Our outdoor faucet went bad so it needed to be replaced. It wasn't old or anything, but things these days seem to be made to go bad after a year or two.





Left, not much time for kitty photos this week, but here is one taken of our 4 all black kitties (DeeDee, Dora, Daphne and Davy Jones) in the back catio; Center and right, some photos Jer took one evening (over the fence of our next door neighbor) of the sun setting.


August 13, 2023

This week started out very cold for the time of year, and although it has warmed up by this update it's still not back to usual temperatures. One of our oldest cats (Elvis) went to the vet this week, and then to be tested for some things. Thankfully, nothing of a truly serious nature turned up so he is now being treated for his symptoms (mostly a major change in his diet). We were invaded by wasps from the neighbor's yard and had to cut down all flowers near the driveway. Józsi had a chance to work a bit more on the side of the house in the neighbor's yard, and got one step closer to having the job done.




This week started out quite cold for the time of year! It had warmed up a bit by this weekend, but is still cooler than normal for this time of year.



Some shadow pics from one early morning this week. Shadow of the driveway posts and Józsi making his own shadow as he was preparing to leave for work.





Left, our Elvis went to the vet and on another day to have an ultrasound. A lot of things were ruled out and now we are in the process of making sure he has the right foods at regular intervals (smaller portions and special foods); Dennis at the catio window looking like he's trying to play the piano; Right, the visitor cat Scruffy showing up for a meal.





The lily plants in the side garden have been very late, and have been bothered badly by tiny snails but a few of them are trying to flower. The rose plant that Józsi gave Jer for the 25th anniversary of her coming to Hungary is doing nicely in the side garden next to the driveway.






Left, dew droplets on sedum next to the driveway one morning; Center, a new thing we are trying with Elvis (Slippery/Red Elm powder);  Right, on Saturday Józsi was able to do a bit more work on the side of our house that is in the next door neighbor's yard and these were the next step.




Left and center, Józsi working on the house; Right, the anchors in and covered. There is more work to do, but the biggest part of the work is done now.






Far left, Jer noticed this beetle on the goldenrod next to the driveway and took this photo so she could look up what it was. It was a Tricodes apairius, also known as a bee beetle or bee wolf; Left, time for more chicken feed; Right, due to a huge amount of wasps Jer cut down the raspberry plants next to the catio, as well as all the flowering plants next to the driveway. The wasps were coming from next door, and only a few are in our yard; Far right, elderberry berries in the carport almost ripe.






Far left, this weekend Józsi had to go to inspect some fireworks in another village; Left, the green apples are growing ok in spite of the dry weather; Right, even with the serious frost for 4 nights last spring there are a few regular apples growing (they are all at least 5 feet above the ground); Far right, the morning glories on the porch doing some strange extension.




Left, this weekend there was a ceremonial thing to do with the Catholic church and as always, a fair number of people showed up for a village; Right, while in the grocery store in the next village Józsi saw this funny package of cheesy snacks... Creepy Friends!


August 6, 2023

This week Jer celebrated her 68th birthday, at home. Józsi took the week off work to work on our house, mostly the covering of the outside wall with our next door neighbor which was not only ugly (for the neighbor) but also was not helping the damp issues in our old house. On top of that, in the wintertime we lost a lot of heat through that wall. We didn't get to finish the job completely due to rainy days by the end of the week, but will get the rest done on the next weekend. By the time of this update, not only have we had rain, but the temperatures are near record cold for the first week in August! Hopefully things will warm back up by the next update.




Left, while out in the village Józsi spotted these birds next to the road (maybe some kind of turkeys); Right, the 3 newest hens (still looking ragged after almost 10 months, we don't know what breed of chicken these are but at least they lay plenty of eggs).






This week we had 2 cats with some symptoms that might have been giardia (which our cat Rosie had as a kitten when we took her in, and is infectious) but thankfully both turned out negative; Right and far right... sun rising across the street and dew drops reflecting the sun.






Far left, the elderberries back at the carport are still green and nowhere near ripe; Left, a close up view with water droplets on the berries after some serious rain the night before; Right, more droplets on flowers; Far right, the place where Jer can see the backyard of a house like ours around the corner and up a few houses in the winter can't be seen at all now.






Far left, a morning glory and its shadow; Left, the morning glories have really grown; Right and far right... two plums Jer found on the trees in the back part of our yard. The hard frost that happened late (and it was very cold for 5 nights in a row) killed off all plums and apples that started growing early.




The only two photos of our 15 cats this week: Left, Davy (rescued as a kitten on a nearly 100 degree Fahrenheit summer day before - he is our biggest cat now); Right, Minnie and Juniper relaxing as usual under the tv on the front wall. In this case, Juniper looks a bit like she is trying to eat Minnie's head!





This week Józsi took the week off to try to get some things done at home, mainly working on the very badly covered side of our house that is in our next door neighbor's yard. What covering was on it was very badly done years ago, and it was past time to get this side of the house covered and insulated.





Left, the first layer, at the bottom; Center, Jer went over now and then to check on things and the little dog next door found her very suspicious... no doubt because she spends all day indoors with 15 cats!; Right, progress on the wall day one.




Left, a bit more progress, Right, finally all the styrofoam was put on. At the end of the week and the weekend it was rainy, so this is where we have had to stop for now, but will get it coated next week.




Left, a view at the back of the wall into our back catio. We are planning to work on the back of the house next summer; Right, the person (ex-neighbor) who slap-covered the wall with mortar left this cigarette butt in it! It was probably flicked into the mix, because it was just a round bump on the wall, but when Joey hit it with the hammer it opened up kind of like a weird fossil. Happily, this is all covered up now and will soon be covered over and painted.


July 30, 2023

This week we had a mix of weather, some hot days and some cooler days. We also had some dry days, and a few rainy days. Jer was finally feeling enough better to start the clearing out of the two back rooms (which hold a lot of stuff collected here and there over the past 15 years!). On the weekend Józsi repaired the old lawn mower, using his new welding tools. Not an exciting week, but at least it was a good week for getting some things done.






Left, we started out the week with some puffy clouds as Józsi left for work; Center, Jer spotted several kinds of bees at the milkweeds near the fence to the far back of our yard; Right, about an hour later the clouds turned to rain, as seen through the window to the driveway catio.




This week Jer felt enough better to start to clear out the middle back room, starting with the old cabinet which held at least 15+ years of stuff we picked up here and there. Left, before sorting and cleaning; Right, after cleaning and removing items she didn't want to keep any longer.





Left, the box full of items Jer didn't think we needed to keep (either because we didn't need them or because we just didn't have any room for them); Center, a morning glory blooming next to a goldenrod in bloom in the garden next to the driveway; Right, one morning Jer found two eggs that were very different in size! The large one would be from one of the 3 new hens, and the smaller one from the one remaining of our last group of hens (about 4-5 years old).





This week there are only two kitty photos... one of the tabby siblings in the back catio when the sun was preparing to set and our biggest cat, Davy Jones, who somehow got under a blanket to take a nap; Right, Józsi discovered a new place near his work where they sell cheesecakes... and he brought two different kinds home for Jer. They were delicious!





This week Jer caught a nice shot of the sun behind a morning glory on our porch; Center, just a little while later this was the view across the street and Right, this was the cloudy view at the back!





Left and Center, this Saturday Józsi brought his random surprise rose for Jer. She put it in a vase on the shelf to the right of her desk, with the Christmas stuff; Right, the shadow of the sun is still moving and the pipes in the front are some Józsi brought home from his dad's house. They will be used when we replace the old fence around the hen house.






This weekend Józsi took some time and some new tools to make repairs on our old lawnmower (the side got rusty and one of the rear wheels ripped out from the body of the mower). Far left and left, the beginning of the process; Right and far right; while he was working, some dark clouds moved in, to the left of our house (back neighbor and next door neighbor).






Far left, Józsi working on some welding; Left, second weld he ever did, not pretty, but it will hold; Right, a coat of paint and the wheel hole re-drilled; Far right, the wheel re-attached. Just after these photos were taken, it started raining hard so it was a scramble to get everything picked up and taken into the porch before it got soaked! At least the wheel on the mower was repaired before the downpour.


July 23, 2023

This week continued to be pretty hot, and Jer continued to be sick, but by the weekend the temperatures had moderated and Jer finally started to see some progress with her coughing. The morning glories have started some serious blooming, the milkweeds are attracting a lot of bees, and it was time to put the rose plant Józsi got for Jer for the 25th anniversary of her arriving in Hungary into the ground so it can grow. (it's been too hot and dry to do it until this week)





Left, a bee and a couple of smaller insects on the milkweed flowers early in the week; Center, most of the milkweeds are now ready to bloom; Right, the rose that Józsi got Jer a while back for the 25th anniversary of her coming to Hungary started some new growth... time to plant it as soon as there was a day that wasn't super hot.





One morning just after Józsi left for work, Jer decided it was time to wash out the hen house, and she removed the vinyl piece that had come from the house, washed it and took it up to the street door. She then hosed out the hen house and their eating stuff, and got them all new wood chips for their boxes.






Far left, morning glories really starting to bloom; Left and right... photos taken from the same spot in the driveway only seconds apart... blue sky to the left, cloudy to the right; Far right, two of the tabby siblings in a box in the kitchen one morning...one relaxing and one looks likes he's screaming but actually Jer caught him in the middle of a huge yawn. Cats!





Left, it was time for Józsi to try the welder he bought some time ago, because a bracket arm broke in two under his car seat. This was the first time he ever tried welding - not very professional but not bad for a first one, it will hold; Center, another day with more morning glories; Right, the old brick from town with a lot of greenery around it.




Left, big Dennis with Elvis in the background in the driveway catio; Right, Minnie, with her usual  somewhat sad face. She is a sweetie, but scared of the other cats. (even though she is bigger than all them except for Davy!)






This week Józsi picked up some planting soil with the weekly shop, so we could plant the rose plant he got Jer for the 25th anniversary of her coming to Hungary. On Sunday it was cool enough we were able to get it planted in a nice spot next to the driveway.



July 16, 2023

This week we had some very hot days, the morning glories started to bloom, box and tin foods arrived for the kitties, Józsi refinished our kitchen table, and Jer is still sick! At least she has got some cough medicine that is helping a bit but it seems this bug going around is lasting for 3-4 weeks for some people... boo!





Left, this week the shadow continued to creep back towards our house, slowly. Before long, it will start to move faster; Center and right, we had this kind of temperature at the beginning of the week and then again this weekend. 35.8c is 96.44 in Fahrenheit (the clock was off on the display at the time of the photo, it was taken at around 4PM). Thankfully we didn't have any power outages so Jer was able to keep our main living/sleeping room cool in spite of the heat.






This week several packages arrived, the first of which was a box containing the 10kg (22lbs) bag of dry cat food. Juniper was first to get on top of the box! This week Jer also spotted the first bumblebees back at the later than usual blooming milkweed near the fence to the backyard. It was great to see some bees in this dry year!





Left, Jer's oregano plants growing next to the driveway finally had blooms; Center, one windy/stormy night some branches were blown out of the big walnut tree behind the hen house; Right, the wind also blew the milkweed plants a bit sideways, but they did recover later on.




This week we had our local vet over to check on our cat Elvis, and after she left Józsi took time to take our wooden top table (with an old sewing machine base) outside to clean and sand down the old top, which had gotten to be quite scratched and stuff from the cats over the years.




Left, the table top, re-lacquered... good as new!; Right, Minnie examining Ziggy's tail one day in the driveway catio. Minnie herself has no tail since she was attacked by a dog at the castle in town before she was rescued, and in the end her tail could not be saved. We love her even with her stumpy tail.





    Far left, morning glories reached the porch roof; Left, one day a flower bloomed, although it was behind the mesh; Right, a day later there were two more blooming; Far right, at the end of the week this was what we had left for our 15 cats to eat, while we awaited the next shipment of cat food. They eat 1 large can or 2 small cans, plus 1 box per day. (the 3 senior cats also get tin food for lunch and dinner) We were glad we got a big bag of dry food also.  




This is what we had after adding the new food to what was left... lot of cans of wet food, and 30 boxes of wet food. (cubes, in sauce) We love our kitties!



July 9, 2023

This week began with Józsi being home sick on Monday... and that same morning the guy came around to change the water meter. (Jer was right in her timing of trimming the weeds and plants back at the water meter hole last week - and the guy reading the meter was appreciative of a clean water pit area to work in!) On Tuesday Józsi went back to work, and then Jer got sick. She's still a bit sick today as this is being written (Sunday) but is on the mend. We also had a bit of rain, with some high winds that blew more branches out of our walnut tree.






With colder than normal temperatures in the spring and not very much rain in the past months Jer had not been sure the milkweeds were going to grow and bloom this year (the local bees love them). She was glad to see about 15 of them come up a bit late, and this was the progress of the first one to have blooms (first photo was Monday, last one was this morning, Sunday). Will there be any bees to take advantage of them this year? It's hard to know but we hope so (4 nights of hard frost back in early April did a lot of damage, including killing budding red apples and plums on our trees in the far back yard... the only things to survive and grow are the green apples on the other side of the grafted apple tree, and our grapes)






Just a few kitty pix this week: Far left, Ziggy on a box in the driveway catio watching the goings on in the porch; Left, Minnie and Rosie in a big box in the back catio; Right, DeeDee in the back catio and Far right, her sister Daphne watching the next door neighbor's yard and a tabby cat (Zuzu) snoozing on the shelf below. Our kitties are living a good (and safe) life.





Left, the little sage plants Jer moved from a pot at the front of our driveway garden a couple of weeks ago (sprouted in a concrete pot from seeds blown from old sage plants) are doing well in spite of no rain (only watering every day); Center, the morning glories have grown a lot in the two weeks since some appeared growing at the bottom, and a few more have sprouted. It's been very dry so Jer has to water them (and other things) twice a day but they are doing well; Right, the heat and the dry temperatures don't affect the grapes in the far back of our house, of course (they grow deep roots, which is why they can grow so well in hot dry places like Italy)





This morning (Sunday) we took some time to trim vines and elderberry branches from the back side of the carport. They always grow way too fast and way too big, and if you don't keep up with them they easily get out of hand. Jer filled the yard waste barrel with what she could fit in now, left some behind the hen house to add when the barrel stuff gets dry and more compact, and the rest went to a pile in the far back of the yard (where they will be taken care of in the fall).



On Saturday (the day before this update) the annual village day event took place and since Jer was sick and possibly still contagious (she is still coughing a lot) we stayed home. Jer borrowed a few photos taken by our mayor, including this one of the food being prepared and on the right, signs telling what foods they are (bean goulash, fried sausage, fish soup, and a kind of spicy grated egg noodle soup).




Every year on Village Day (villages each have their own village day sometime during the summer) there are many kinds of dancing groups of all ages (from very young children to senior citizens) doing various traditional Hungarian dances. Left, adults dancing; Right, the old with the new... children doing an old time dance, being filmed by family with new fangled cell phones. (No doubt in the "old days" if a family had a way to record these events with their children/grandchildren they would have done it also!)



Teenagers doing another Hungarian dance. Jer always enjoys watching these, and was sorry to miss them this year but she didn't want to take a chance of spreading germs to other people. There will be more dancing next summer!


July 2, 2023

This week the weather was a bit hot, but not as hot as usual for the time of year. Jer took early mornings to get yard cleaning and tidying done, and afternoons to start working on the inside of the house. It was a quiet week in the main, mostly just getting work done in the house or yard, but all in all it was a pretty good week!





Left, Jer cleared out the plants near the water meter pit this week. They come around to read and replace the water meters every summer near this time (but without advance notice, one day they just ring the buzzer); Center, early in the week Jer decided it was time to get rid of what was left of the pile of ashes from last winter that were on a tarp next to the firepit (she spread them in the middle part of our yard); Right, the still wet tarp was folded and put in the carport to dry.






This week Jer started working on this year's wall repairs in our house, with a first coat over the very rough wall in the kitchen. It will take several coats and sanding, but she is used to doing this one wall at a time. (she's been working doing this on our old house for more than 10 years and is finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak); Right, sunset over the house next door. This time of year the sunsets are really beautiful; Far right, the early morning light when the sun is rising at it's furthest to the left of our house and shines in the bathroom window caught our Zuzu in the kitchen this week.





Left, the garlic plants still looking nice and not quite ready to open to seeds; Center, the side garden in the morning. Even without the peonies and earlier flowers, it still looks pretty; Right, shadows of some weeds on a concrete paver next to the firepit one morning.





Left, the old piece of lino that was inside our entry door was replaced by some new stuff and Jer took the old one out to the henhouse. It will be easier to keep clean (and to keep out winter drafts) than the old board floor; Center, Józsi came across this old fashioned waterer this week and Jer cleaned it up and put it out for the hens to have one more choice for water; Right, the milkweed plants near the back part of our yard have not only started to grow, but now have flowers. Hopefully there will be a lot of bees, like in years past.




This week's cat pix: kitties in the catio (Casper, Rosie, and Minnie) and on the right, Minnie with her tabby friend Juniper snuggling on the ledge under the tv in the front room. Minnie took care of them like a mother when we took the 3 tabby kittens in a couple of years ago.






Far left, it was late, but we finally got around to trimming a lot of the apple tree branches which were so long they were almost touching the ground!; Left, the branches broken up and put in the "yard waste" bin; Right and far right... the morning glories are staring to make some progress now. (they have to be watered every day in morning and evening by Jer, as we have still had very little rain, but they are coming along)





Left, the rose plant that Józsi got for Jer for their 25th anniversary has sprouted 3 new buds; Center, the raspberry plants next to the driveway catio are doing well, in spite of not much rain; Right, Józsi took time to clear out the front ditch, which had become very overgrown in the last month.


June 25, 2023

This week was a mix of things. The first part of the week was pretty hot, but by the weekend it had cooled down. Jer's volunteer morning glories are growing nicely as well as stuff in the side garden next to the driveway and the raspberry plants. (we haven't had much rain, but Jer waters things every day) One night there was some bright light in the sky across from us that turned out to be due to some maintenance connected to the natural gas pipeline. On Saturday Józsi had to work in the evening, one side of his job is pyrotechnics, so he had to do some inspecting of a few places that were having some fireworks. Considering that some summers we had quite hot temperatures in June, we are happy that this year the weather hasn't been too hot yet.






Far left, the old deer skull in the front of Jer's side garden sprouted some grass this week; Left, the longest day of the year happened on a sunny day so a photo could be taken; Right and far right, morning glory plants are finally starting to make some progress next to the porch. (there are a couple of other small ones that might also add to the morning glories this season)




One night early this week there was a lot of light and noise near our village, which turned out to be some kind of maintenance related stuff with the natural gas pipeline nearby.





This week Jer took some time to remove some volunteer sage plants from a pot at the front of our side garden and transplant them to the back end of the side garden, where the old sage plants she recently had to remove had been. Our weather continues to be pretty dry, but she has been making sure to water it once or twice a day to help it survive and grow.






Far left, for the second time in the last month Jer noticed the hens were not laying eggs in the hen house, and found these just outside the coal shed. For a couple of days she won't let them out into the yard until she finds eggs in the hen house; Left, the raspberry plants next to the driveway catio are really growing in spite of less rain than normal. (Jer does water the side gardens daily); Right, every day there are raspberries for Jer to pick and eat. (Józsi is not a fan of raspberries, so she eats them all herself... yum); Far right, the oregano plants next to the driveway are doing well this year in spite of less rain than usual.






Far left, this week Jer took some time to wash some fabrics from her stash so she can make some new versions of her "around the house and yard" pants. The last batch she made was 10 years ago and it's time to replace them; Left, while doing some shopping out in the villages Józsi stopped at the butcher to get some sliced cheese bologna but they were closing up and only would sell it to him as is... not sliced. It's been ok because we can cut the slice size we want and not have to have multiple slices!; Right, the longest day sun reflecting from the bathroom door window into the kitchen window well one morning; Far right, wild morning glories growing next to the gate to the middle part of our yard, with the hens watching.





Left, a borrowed photo of a stork nest in our village; Center, fireworks in preparation for a show in a village in our area that Józsi had to inspect; Right, since the soccer field where the fireworks show took place was adjacent to a synthetic grass soccer court, the fake grass had to be hosed down before the fireworks, as it moderately flammable.




Left, naughty tabby cat messing with stuff on Józsi's desk; Right, Gracie relaxing outside atop the old ironing board with a rag rug top. She can watch the goings on in the catio from there and it's in the shade.



Left, a photo of three of our 15 cats in the back catio one day; Right, Józsi thought they looked like they were posing for a music album cover, so he made one with the photo.





Left, Daphne, the big eyed one of the black kitty sisters looking surprised, as she usually does; Center, one of our senior cats, Zuzu, on the rug atop a bookcase just inside our driveway catio; Right, Casper, who was dropped over the fence into our yard as a kitten a couple of years ago, enjoying his favorite spot. (it's atop the couch, which is directly in front of the heater/air conditioner above Józsi's desk. Our kitties, living the good life!


June 18, 2023

This week our weather was still not very warm for this time in June, but at least we had mostly sun and warmer weather is in the forecast for the week to come. We all enjoyed the long days, and Jer took time to do some outside cleaning projects such as our porch. The kitties got to spend a lot of quality catio time, Jer received a couple of nice gifts, and on the whole it was a pretty good week.





Left, Casper and Ziggy napping on the couch at the start of the week; Center, clouds later that same day; Right, sun going down at that same time... right behind our house.






Far left, one of the  strawberry plants in a container next to the driveway had this giant strawberry early in the week. It had another one later on, and there are a couple new ones growing (these are different kind of strawberries than the ones that grow next to the house); Left, Minnie and Juniper in the catio on the driveway side of the house; Right, a little later the sunset and a reflection of the sun on the nearby water tower; Far right, kitties in the back catio as the sun was setting.






Far left, early morning sun on the driveway flower bed. The peonies are gone now but there are other plants still there; Left, Jer discovered milkweed pods growing in the old compost area towards the backyard. The past few years they have grown there and attracted a lot of bees but this year's weather made it a bit iffy that they would show up at all... but some have. Yay!; Right, elderberry flowers on some of the trees and Far right, elderberries growing next to the carport, where they got more sun than the ones next to the neighbor's wall.




This week Jer noticed that the raspberry plants in the backyard have started to grow fruits. Last year it was dry and there were almost no raspberries in this area until it was fall and we had some rain. The chickens will be happy to have a lot of berries to eat.





Left, another beautiful sunrise as seen by Jer while she was letting the hens out. It makes up for having to get out so early in the morning!; Center, Jer took one afternoon to clean out and rearrange the porch. This is Gracie's area when she is outside; Right, Gracie on her napping place in the corner. She is a senior kitty now (the oldest of our cats, and the mother of Elvis) so she spends more time in the house, especially when it's cold or hot. She was recently checked out by our local vet and she is in good shape for her age. We hope she lives many more years.





Left, nice to see wildflowers blooming around the yard; Center, Juniper on top of the cabinet next to Józsi's desk. She doesn't yet realize that Alf is skulking behind her!; Right, along with a monthly order of cat food this week, one of the two deliveries also brought this really cool cat carrier that we chose for points accumulated from past months food orders.






Far left, Józsi brought Jer home a rose on Saturday; Left, the sun has nearly reached the furthest to the left of our driveway that it gets during the year; Right, a close up of some of the curly onions that grow next to our driveway (leftover from the previous owners, and they spread a bit more each year): Far right, there are a lot of them this year.






Far left, the wooden panel (carvings by Józsi's dad) was finally put back up above the new door; Left, a close up of one of the carvings; Right, a gift sent home with Józsi for Jer, from someone who used to work with him in his office. Jer still sends eggs for her from time to time; Far right, while shopping at the grocery store in the next village Józsi spotted this cat doormat. We have one like it at home that is starting to wear out, so she had him pick up a replacement.


June 11, 2023

This week our weather was still cooler than normal. Józsi helped a sick old cat found near us, and although she didn't survive she did at least have someone with her until the end. As Jer was making this update, we had a huge rainstorm with hail and everything! Hopefully the upcoming week will warm up and start feeling like summer!




Left, Ziggy (our parvo survivor) laying on her tummy on the bottom step of the "ladder" to the top of the wardrobes; Right, later that day someone came to our door in the evening about a sick or injured old cat not far from our house. Józsi went and got her, and called a vet we know who came out to treat her. The female kitty was in a very bad shape, hypothermia, dehydration and possible kidney failure. He did everything he could for her (infusion, steroid, Vitamin B and antibiotics) and then she was left to keep warm on a heating pad, hoping for her to rally. Sadly, it was not to be. We were very sad that she didn't survive, but at least she was not cold, scared and alone.




Left, the weather continued to be cooler than normal for early June, and although the catios were mostly open, not everyone wanted to nap outside; Right, this is what the first round of dryer time with freshly washed cat blankets looks like... lots of cat fur!





Left, although the 4 nights of well below freezing temperatures back in early April killed most of the fruits on our trees in the back of our yard, the green apples (that flower later than the red apples on the other side of the tree) are growing some apples; Center, this week Jer was in the back room and noticed some fabrics in a plastic bin that she had used years ago to make "at home" pants (which are now pretty worn) and took four fabrics out to make new ones sometime soon; Right, Jer had just finished trimming some of the peonies that had already bloomed and were making a mess of the falling petals when it suddenly started to rain pretty hard!





Left, more strawberries from the plants next to our house; Center, the sun shining on the street in front of our house in the early evening. In winter the sun hardly ever shines on the street in front, and it is early in the day; Right, the sun setting behind the back catio. In winter it sets so far to the left that we can't see it at all unless we stand at the fence to the back part of our yard where the fruit trees are.


This week Jer took a few hours for another "mending day."





Left, two of the tabby siblings relaxing in/on top of a box in the driveway catio (near the kitchen door); Center, two cats at the other end of the catio... Missy on top and Rosie on the bottom. Jer had taken two photos and this was the second... when she looked at the photos later she had no idea what they were looking at with these faces as the first photo was friendly face kitties. Cats!; Right, only 5-10 minutes later Jer was in the back room and suddenly it started pouring rain but the sun was still out!




Left, Zuzu seemed to be wondering what was up with the rain when the sun is shining?; Center, Minnie in the place next to Jer's desk under the tv, which is a popular spot with many of our 15 cats; Right, mysterious tabby in a wine box on the kitchen floor one morning.





Left, Dennis on Joey's desk when Jer didn't have room for him in her lap. (he is a large and heavy cat who thinks he's still a kitten); Center, on Saturday Jer trimmed and cut back most of the peony plants and cleared out the mess of fallen petals. She left only these three flowers, which only lasted one more day as we had a very strong rainstorm on Sunday that destroyed everything that was left!; Right, there are now 3 morning glory plants trying to grow next to the porch. Jer hasn't had time to check to see if they survived the awful rainstorm we had on Sunday afternoon, but hopefully at least one is still going to grow.




Left, this is how hard it was raining... dumping so much water off the roof that the guttering and barrel couldn't keep up with it! We also had some hail; Right, water flowing in from under the gate onto the driveway next to the house. Thankfully we have a sturdy gravel layer at the front part so it didn't wash anything away.



June 4, 2023

This week we had pretty good weather, mostly sunny and fairly warm (until Sunday, the day of this update, when it got cooler again... boo!). We had to make a trip into town for some stuff related to Jer's paperwork as being a co-owner of one of our bank accounts. That wasn't much fun but at least we took time after we got back to our village to eat lunch out at our local restaurant. The wood we got a couple of months back that was sitting in the backyard got put up in the woodshed, On Saturday there was an event for kids at the soccer field near our house, Józsi refereed at a paintball event, and there was a plane spraying against mosquitoes. The weather for the coming week is going to be rainy and cooler, but at least summer weather will be back soon.





Left, one early morning when Jer was out letting the hens out she saw this pretty sun rising between our house and the one next door; Center, two of our kitties (Ziggy and ZuZu) eating some egg yolks Jer saved for them one morning; Right, our senior cat Gracie (who was an outdoor cat except in winter, when she had a heated place in the hallway) ventured out into a new place for her: the side catio. She still goes outside when the weather is nice enough, but spends more time inside than outside these days. At age 11-12, it's good for her to spend less time roaming and hunting and more time time being an indoor cat.


On the way into town on Wednesday to deal with some official stuff related to banking things, we stopped at an auto parts store so Józsi could buy a couple of things.




After arriving back in our village, we checked on the kitties and then went to eat at the local restaurant only a few blocks from us. Their food is always really good. (They will also deliver to your door, which is great!)





Jer's peonies started blooming this week. Most of them are white, but some are a light pink. On the right is a peony growing behind a sage plant that's in bloom.





We had some sunny and fairly warm days, which Jer put to good use tidying up the yard and weeding and other stuff. Left, first thing she did was re-do the area at the front fence where the trash bins are; Center, she also took the two rugs from the porch out and gave them a good spraying with the hose and let them dry in the sun; Right, a delivery guy arrived while she was doing this and gave her a package over the fence that turned out to be some swim fins for Józsi.





Left, one day Jer was making herself a salad and one of the tabby siblings (Dennis) showed up for his share. For some reason, he loves lettuce!; Center, since our oldest cat Gracie does still go outside Jer made some nicer shade for her on the place where she goes under the driveway catio to nap when it's hot; Right, Missy in a box in the driveway catio. She came to us a few years back after having been given up by her previous owner for bad behavior (the person got another cat, and living in a very tiny place the two cats did not get along and the first cat was given up). She is a strange girl, but we love her anyway.




Left, Casper (who was dropped over our fence as a kitten by someone on a bike) in one of his many relaxed positions; Right, our Minnie no-tail, who was badly injured by a dog before coming to us. She is very timid, but she is very sweet natured.



Józsi took this photo one day this week of a field just outside the village that is full of what back in the USA they usually call blue or purple tansy, and these fields are for honey bees to feed.






Far left, a couple of months ago we had a huge container of pre-split firewood delivered and it's been sitting in the backyard until this weekend, Left, wood emptied and put into the woodshed behind the house; Right, container dismantled although the basic walls were kept; Far right, for now, we are using the sides of the container to help keep the hens in their dust place under the back catio and keeping them from digging around between that and the fence to next door, where various cats who have passed away over the years are buried.






On Saturday other things were going on as well: Far left, one of the kids at the paintball place where Józsi was working that afternoon; Left, right, and far right: photos taken by our mayor of the even going on near to our house (Jer could hear it but didn't go as she was busy). They had a number of events for kids which included putting up the May tree. Far right was a pony rider with the guy who has taken Jer to the Teke restaurant on her birthday a couple of times in past years.



After Józsi arrived home from the paintball event, it was time for the plane spraying against mosquitoes to make its rounds in the village. Here it was flying directly over our house! (Yes, it did scare the kitties in from the catios but Józsi and I enjoyed it as we always do!)


May 28, 2023

This week we had a bit of mixed weather, but mostly it was sunny and fairly warm so we could get some outside stuff done. Not an exciting week, but it was a good week and at least it has started to warm up and quit raining so much. Bring on summer! 





Left, Casper reclining in a slimming pose in the back room. He often sleeps back there, unlike most of the other cats who prefer to sleep in the front/main room; Center, Jer finally had a day that was good to clean the front room (on the sidewalk) window, with Juniper observing; Right, Juniper attempting to help.





Left, even late in the days the kitties were enjoying the driveway catio; Center, Jer noticed this pattern on the wall in the WC (toilet room) one morning; Right, the pattern was due to the seasonal sun rise shining through the window.





Left, our visitor cat Snuffy making a funny face when he showed up for breakfast (he doesn't show up every day, but we feed him when he does show up); Center, the house around the corner hardly shows at all now since everything is green; Right, although a bit late due to the strange and unusual cooler weather this spring the strawberries finally started to ripen. This was the first harvesting of them and although there won't be as many as usual, there are still a lot to be picked in the next week or two.





Left, Jer's other sage plants have all reached the end of their life spans but some random sprouts from them are now growing in one of Jer's concrete planters; Center, Ziggy sleeping at Jer's computer desk. When viewed close up, it's hard to tell whether her face is right side up or upside down; Right, on the weekend Józsi stopped at our friend Helga's ice cream shop here in the village and brought home some delicious home made ice cream. Yum!




One early morning it was sunny enough when Jer went out to let the hens out to take photos of where the sun shines this time of year in our backyard. Left, the morning sun shining back where the elderberry trees are in the middle part of our yard; Right, sun shining in the far back part of our yard where the plum trees and grapevines are.





Left, it finally was warm and dry enough to uncover the load of wood we got some months back so it can season; Center, another "floating flower" in the backyard (caught in a bit of spider web); Right, elderberry flowers growing at the carport in the back. They smell very sweet!




Józsi worked on one of our old cars this weekend. Left, he removed a lot of wires that were not needed. The previous owner had a very badly rigged sound system in the car, so the cabling is a jumbled mess. at least twice this much has to be removed yet!; Right, crummy fiberglass "sport" rear bumper removed and it will be re-fitted with a sturdier factory bumper. On the sides where welding was done, he applied a rust deactivator paint, that's where you can see the black line. The panels will have a final coat soon after he bondoes the weld lines.




Just before this update was made on late Sunday afternoon; some of the peony flowers in the garden next to the driveway started to bloom at last. Yay!


May 21, 2023

This week started off being cold and wet, but by the end of the week the clouds had gone and it was much warmer. We got our monthly supply of cat food (the main stuff, we still get tin foods every week as well) and for the second month in a row had some damaged foods. The webshop will recompense for the damage, Jer takes photos of the damaged goods and Jozsi sent them a complaint). By the end of the week the warm weather had returned and it was a good week for the kitties in both of their catios.





Left, with the early warm weather and then the days of very cold nights most of our fruit trees have got nothing growing, but since the green apple side of the grafted apple tree starts out later there are at least some green apples growing; Center, more slug duty for Jer this week and these slugs at least met their end with the flowers they had been eating; Right, one morning Jer woke up with an upset stomach and for breakfast she had crackers and cheese, while watching a Christmas episode of The Flintstones on the tv next to her computer. It did help her to feel better!






This week we got a monthly cat food order with various kinds of food: dry food, can food, and box food.




Left, second month in a row there was some damaged food. This time it wasn't a burst bag of dry food but 3 double portion can foods that had burst by being mishandled. The company we buy from isn't able to control everything about the packing of the orders, but if we give them all the details and photos about what was wrong, we are always reimbursed; Right, an empty box of Soviet era sniper ammunition on Józsi's desk at work.





Left, one morning just after Józsi left for the bus Jer saw this trailer passing by with a lot of logs. It was a bit of a surprise as we live on a back street in our village with a v-shaped curve at the end! She was outside doing stuff in the side garden and saw it come back about 30 minutes later; Center and right, Jer took time that same morning to thin out all the mess of stuff that had been growing in the side garden. (she would have done it sooner, but it was cold and rainy for almost a week before this)





Left, a photo Józsi took of a tree in bloom in the town where he works; Center, Jer took one morning when it warmed up again to clear out and rearrange the wood in the wood storage behind the house so the kitties could see more from the back catio; Right, enjoying the view. (sometimes neighborhood cats go into the wood storage and now they can see them if they do)






Jer took time once the weather warmed up again to clean up the raspberry bed behind the house. The hens love to peck around in there and eat the berries when they appear; Left, the transplanted ferns next to the driveway are doing really well; Right, the sun is really moving now. In mid winter it doesn't shine below the roof of our house, and in a month the sun will shine as far left that the fire pit will be in the sun; Far right, the sun coming up early one morning, to the left of our house. In winter, the sun comes up so far to the right that our yard doesn't get much sunlight at all.




Left, the bird pair who had a nest in the ivy on our coal shed were not around much the past week, but Jer spotted them one day this week and they seem to be busy rebuilding their nest at the coal shed again. We'll soon see if they have another family there; Right, a spider web at the outside corner of our enclosed porch one morning.




Left, some roses Józsi brought home for Jer as this weekend we celebrated the 25th anniversary of Jer's arrival in Hungary way back in 1998! We had planned to eat out but Jer was still not feeling well so we just ordered the food from our local restaurant and ate at home; Right, Józsi was working on one of our 2 old cars this weekend. In this case, he had gotten replacement bumpers at a local junkyard and was working on making them look a bit newer before putting them on. Since they were very sun faded, he used a small propane weed burner on them to heat up the plastic's surface and get the dark coloration back.


May 14, 2023

This week started off to be sunny and fairly warm, but towards the end of the week cold and wet weather moved in and is still here on Sunday as this update is being made. (And with more days of cooler temperatures and rain being forecast for the days this coming week... boo!) This could easily change and hot weather move in by the first of June, but time will tell. At least there is no snow and ice!






Far left, the sun continues to move across the driveway as summer approaches; Left, the two transplanted ferns next to the driveway are really growing!; Right, both  the raspberry plants next to the driveway (and the ones behind the house) are doing well; Far right, now for a few months the rising sun shines light onto the faux stained glass window (done by Jer years ago after we bought the house) of the bathroom door.





This week Jer saw and took photos of three very interesting clouds in the sky as seen from our yard. Can you see the heart shaped cloud in the one on the left? The middle and right photos were taken two days when there were all different kinds of clouds in the sky at the same time.






Far left, early in the week it was sunny enough for the cats to be in the catios and this was at the end of a sunny day; Left, Wednesday morning after Józsi went off to the bus Jer snapped this photo of the sun coming in through the street door windows; Right and far right, sunny shapes on the wall of the next door neighbor made by different shaped holes in our sidewalk fence.





Left, the buds on Jer's chive plants are starting to become flowers; Center, this is all you can see now of the house around the corner that Jer sees when doing stuff with the hens when the leaves are off; Right, a very sunny morning where the light shone through into the living room and illuminated the fuzzy kitty cave, as we like to call it.






Far left, in spite of it not being the best weather this spring for strawberries, you can see that they are still growing; Left, there was evidence of more bees in the log hive in the far back part of the yard; Right, by Thursday it was raining and much cooler (which is still going on on Sunday as Jer is making this update, with more to come in the coming week... boo!). At least she found something to smile about seeing a lily of the valley leaf with a rain drop smiley face on it!; Far right, on Saturday afternoon there was a stork sitting on the 3 story high chimney of the neighbor two doors down! It stayed there, pruning itself and things for at least 20-30 minutes before flying away.




These two photos were taken by Józsi of Daphne (one of the 3 black kitty sisters we took in as orphaned kittens some years back). She is the most skittish of the three, but very affectionate when she feels brave enough.






Left, our Ziggy (who we took in as a small and very hungry kitten and then survived having parvo!) lounging in the front sidewalk window. She has very large feet and really long thick fur, so she tends to look larger than she is. She is a solid and heavy chunk of cat, though!; Center and right, the two solar lights Józsi bought last summer that are on the driveway catio made some bright lights for the evenings this week.



This weekend Jer snapped this photo of a beautiful sunset at the back of our property, while there was a break in the rain.


May 7, 2023

This week our weather was a bit back and forth, but not bad for the first week of May. It wasn't as warm as we would have liked, but at least we had warm enough days for the cats to spend some time in the catios. Bring on summer!





Left, the fern under the driveway catio grew bigger this week and it's nearing its full size; Center, a lot more strawberry plants have sprouted blossoms...woohoo!; Right, an unusual crossing of flight paths as seen by Jer one morning early in the week. We are in the flight path of a number of airports so we get to see jets flying above us all day and night.






Far left, one morning when Jer went out to let the hens out she noticed that something had been eating the iris leaves overnight... and she knew it was slugs; Left, overnight they had chewed off the top of an almost ready to bloom iris; Right, a slug she spotted in the area. She removed the rest of the iris plants (not her favorites anyway) and removed a number of other slugs she found; Far right, after some rain at night Jer found all these droplets on a lily of the valley leaf.




Left, the very last of the apple blossoms, Right, sumac flowers on the trees in the lot behind our back fence. These awful trees sprang up after we bought our house almost 20 years ago because someone (actually the person we bought our house from) was allowed by the owners of the lot behind us to cut down all the trees that had been back there for firewood... and these horribly invasive trees are what sprang up!)




Left, our Elvis sleeping in the sunlight one afternoon. His health issues are still a work in progress but at least he is maintaining his weight now; Right, a couple of kitties in the back catio at sundown.





Left, DeeDee (one of the three black kitty sisters) "helping" Jer as she prepares the last of three rounds of food for the cats for breakfast. Her idea of helping is pinching bites of food but Jer keeps a close watch on her!; Center, our problem child kitty Missy (whose previous owner didn't want to keep her) in a striking pose on the coat rack in the hallway one morning. She's a freaky weirdo but we love her anyway; Right, Minnie, our kitty with no tail (had to be removed because a dog attacked her before she came to us). She is also a little bit of a freaky weirdo in some ways, but she is a sweetie and we love her!





Left, this week Jer decided to remove all the chewed up and destroyed rope from the kitty climber in the back catio; Center, rope removed and all cleaned up. We will find something to replace the rope as the kitties love this climber; Right, one of the three tabby siblings, Juniper, at Józsi's computer desk.





Left, on his way to the next door village of Lebeny, Józsi spotted these 2 cats at a bus stop; Center, he stopped and bought Jer a rose on his way home; Right, a shot of the chicks in the nest built in the ivy on the coal shed behind our house. The parents seem to be ok with us checking on their chicks.






This weekend we had some dark clouds roll through on Saturday while Józsi was away from home at the recycling center in the next village. The sky got very dark, but we didn't have more than a few odd drops of rain at our house.





Left, Jer wasn't able to get a shot of the huge double rainbow as seen from our house (it took up the space of the 4 houses across the street!) but Józsi was able to get a shot of it from where he was; Center, the next morning it was really foggy... the village water tower was hardly visible when Jer took this photo; Right, raspberry blossoms next to the driveway catio. Both places where we have raspberry plants growing are doing really well so far!


April 30, 2023

This week our weather varied a lot, with some sunny days but on the whole not as warm as normal. Our Elvis (one of our senior cats who has had health issues for some months) was not doing well and was taken to our vet in town one evening. The blackbirds who made a nest in the ivy on our coal shed had baby chicks. The weather could have been a lot warmer, but still it was a pretty good week.




Left, starting the week with fairly warm temperatures so the cats could make use of the side/driveway catio; Right, the beany toes of one of the tabby siblings while laying in front of Józsi's computer monitor.




Left, an old medallion Jer found that is about International Women's Day, dated March 8, 1978; Right, a photo Jer took of her clan leader character on a (Hungarian) Lineage2 server with her fancy level 85 gear and weapon. She could have gotten all this stuff a while back but finally got around to getting it purchased and fully enchanted just recently... woot! Jer may be an old grandma, but she is also a gamer. ;)




Our Elvis was not feeling well this week and so Józsi took him into town to one of our two vets to be checked out. He hates to travel, but at least what they tested showed that the most important things were still in safe range. He had some kind of stomach bug on top of his usual digestive issues.





Photos taken just after Józsi and Elvis left to go to town to the vet: Left, the backyard looked nice with blue skies; Center, looking to the right out of our gate there were a few clouds in a mostly blue sky; Right, looking to the left of our gate there were some dark clouds. Luckily, none of the clouds brought rain our way.





Left, the hazelnut tree at the fence with our neighbors (right behind our house) has now got all its leaves fully grown; Center, the raspberry plants next to the driveway catio are doing well; Right, a beautiful sunset taken from next to the hen house, showing how far the sun has moved in the last few weeks. On the longest day the sun will set behind the trees at the right of this photo.





Left, the daddy blackbird on the fence between us and the house at the back of the next door lots; Center, sunrise reflecting on the window of our old street door and the arrow points to where the blackbird nest is located within the ivy on our old coal shed; Right, Józsi quickly snuck a peek and took this photo of the baby chicks that have hatched. The parents were in the backyard and saw it but are still coming back to the chicks with food. Scruffy, the local cat we feed when he shows up was spotted back there one day by Jer but the nest is way too high for him to reach.





Left, the ferns under the catio are growing nicely. They will be about twice this size before they are done; Center and right are two smaller ferns on the other side of the driveway. These were new ferns that sprouted from the one in the first photo, but Jer dug them up when they appeared and replanted them on the other side of the driveway.





Left, this week Jer spent some time pulling up weeds, and these two weeds with really long roots were pulled up by her from cracks in the pavement in front our front gate (on two different days); Center, strawberry plants are now starting to show pollinated flowers that are growing berries; Right, an interesting morning view in the middle yard with nice clouds at the far back of our yard and shade patterns from the walnut tree's branches and leaves in the grass. Gotta love spring!





Left, the yellow tulips are not lasting as long as the red ones did, and Jer needed to start weeding out a lot of lily of the valley plants in the side garden; Center, an interesting pattern at the top of our bathroom wall one day when the sunlight was shining through the spider plants in the windowsill above our bathtub; Right, one of Jer's old thyme plants needed to be trimmed but she kept the ends and tied them up for later use.




Left, 3 dandelions... in a row; Right, Ziggy (Stardust) looking at something over the top of a sleeping Davy's head. (Davy Jones, named after Jer's favorite Monkee)


April 23, 2023

This week we had some warm days when the cats could be in the catios for some hours, and Jer could get some yard work done. We received the second part of the monthly cat food order, with  damage to the large bag of dry food. (issue sorted between us and the company already). Jer's second color of tulips bloomed (and sadly, it seems her daffodils that were there before the tulip bulbs are gone for good, probably due to the prolific growth of the tulips). It was warm enough to take Jer's 10 year old mini orange tree outside, and for Józsi to turn the outdoor faucet on again. (Good news for Jer, as she won't have to carry water to the hens by a jug filled in the bathroom anymore until it turns cold again). All in all, it was a good week!





Left, a sparkly dandelion in the strawberry plants under the driveway catio one morning when Jer went out to let the hens out; Center, mushrooms growing on a piece of wood in the side garden where the clothesline hooks are; Right, Minnie (top) and DeeDee (bottom) under the front wall tv one sunny morning.





We had the second part of our cat food order delivered, and when Jer opened it in the hallway where our entry door is... she found that the bag of dry food had burst! She immediately got containers to store all the food and let Józsi know so he could contact the company. After being sent photos of the situation, they were good about responding in a positive manner about the situation.






Left, this was the second part of the tinned foods for the month for our 15 kitties. They do go through a lot of food every month!; Center, one of the tabby siblings, grateful for the food delivery (at least it looks like it!); Right, a photo of a flower laden tree near the bus stop where Jozsi gets off in the afternoons (near the mayor's office and the templom/Catholic church).






Far left, one morning Jer went out to feed and let the hens out and noticed that the yellow tulips looked like they might open that day. The daffodils she had in this area for some years (before someone gave us the tulip bulbs) seem to have been taken over by the newcomers; Left, an hour or two later when Jer went outside she saw the yellow tulips had indeed opened up!; Right, the grafted apple tree in the back part of our yard has lovely blooms. These are on the side that grows green apples; Far right, it was warm enough that Jer decided to take her miniature orange tree outside so the cats could use both of  the hallways windows as doors for the catio.




The cats used both catios a number of times this week. Which one they used depended on how much sun there was and how hot the driveway catio got. The back catio has a view to the two next door neighbors' yards as well as birds, which is a plus for them.





Far left, on Saturday it was dry enough for Józsi to mow the yard again. Here he was finishing up mowing in the far back of our yard, next to the grafted apple tree; Center, a little later he trimmed the wing feathers on the 3 "new" hens. They came to us back in October and tried to fly out of the yard, so have been confined to the penned area till they calmed down and got used to things; Right, after the work was finished, he drove over to our friend Helga's ice cream shop and brought back samples of 6 kinds of delicious hand made ice cream (top row: sweet semolina, pistachio, lemon, - bottom row: strawberry yogurt, vanilla, oreo/salt caramel fudge). A fabulous end to a busy day!





Left, on Sunday morning Jer was outside letting the hens out and just checking out the back parts of our yard when she spotted this little bloom looking like it was floating in mid air. In fact, upon closer inspection it was caught on a very fine spider silk!; Center, apple blossoms on the green apple side of the tree; Right, later Jer decided to open the gate to the hen's enclosure, and the 3 "new" hens and the at least 4 year old brown hen came out and started pecking around the middle yard behind the house.





Left, Jer's peony plants are seriously starting to grow; Center, the ferns next to the driveway are starting to sprout, and Right, the fern under the catio (parent plant to the two smaller ferns next to the driveway) is starting to have leaves. Yay!


April 16, 2023

This week we started off sunny and fairly warm, and then the rest of the week was rainy and colder than normal. Boo! That meant no catios were open, much to the dismay of the 14 of our cats who are indoor only and love being in the catios. Hopefully it will warm up soon so they can enjoy the nice weather and views of the outdoors again!





This week started off sunny. Left, the house around the corner that Jer watched during the winter months is already only visible at the roof; Center, the week started with a nice sunny morning view of the walnut tree and sun in the far backyard; Right, the walnut tree now has leaves sprouting.





Left, the apple tree now has its leaves and starting to sprout blossoms; Center, a pigeon (a number of people in the village keep pigeons) on the roof of our next door neighbor; Right, one of Jer's favorite things to see one late afternoon... lots of jet trails in the sky.




Left, some stuff Józsi bought online for crafting/art purposes; Right, one of the tabby trio staking out a box of cat food that arrived on Wednesday. (This is only half the order, it takes a LOT of cat food to feed 15 cats each month!)





Left, one morning when Jer went out to let the hens out and give them their food she found these two eggs in a box... very different in size! The tiny one will have been laid by one of the old hens, probably the big white one; Center, you can see how tiny the smaller egg was as it fit in a teaspoon!; Right, the next morning's 3 eggs, all different sizes and colors.





Left, by Tuesday it was starting to be cold and rainy every day... boo! This particular cloudy start to the day was on Saturday morning; Center, on a kind of fun note, a couple of drops of water on a branch of the apple tree looked a bit like eyes; Right, the view of the sky at the back on Saturday night when Jer went to put the hens up. It was nice to see some blue sky after days of mostly a lot of rain.






This week we had some change in the plants growing in the side garden around our house. Far left, ferns finally starting to grow; Left, the yellow tulips finally nearing their time to bloom. She had first mistaken them for the daffodils that once grew  there, but later realized these were  tulips she was given a couple of years ago!; Right, lily of the valley finally starting to show signs of blooming before long; Far right, peonies finally starting to grow. It would have been nice of all these things bloomed at the usual time, but better late than never!






Far left, a grape hyacinth bloomed, one of the many random bulbs we were given last year; Left, more and more strawberry plants are sprouting flowers now... yay!; Right, a particular kind of bird house given to Józsi that was made by his dad; Far right, the red tulips are starting to fade now but they still looked pretty in the rain!




Far left, Józsi brought home this pair of huge old clamps to be restored; Center, Józsi's a plainclothes officer and normally he doesn't have to wear a uniform every day, but once in a while even non-uniform cops have to dress up in their police duds - sometimes even dress uniform!; Far right, a view of Jozsi's tamed baryonyx on his computer (from a game, the dino's name is Boedicae) and unsuspecting Juniper sleeping in front of the monitor.


April 9, 2023

This week started off nicely, but then temperatures dropped down into the 20s overnight for some days! Our local vet Anna stopped by to get a blood sample from our oldest cat, Gracie. (Gracie turned up on our porch back in 2012 and had kittens, and is the mother of our cat Elvis) For a few days in the middle of the week it was very cold, in the mid 20's Fahrenheit overnight! By the time of this update (Sunday) it was partly rainy but at least the temperatures had gone back up to around normal.




Left, the week started out nice for the time of year, and Jer spotted this view of the backyard with a cloud over the trees in the lot behind us while going to let the hens out; Right, the same morning showed that the sun has moved far to the left (for us) and shines through the street door into our outer hallway in the mornings.





Left, on Monday our local vet Anna stopped by to take a blood sample from our oldest cat Gracie, who turned out to have an overactive thyroid issue. (That will be addressed after the Easter holiday); Center, plum tree blossoms in the backyard... before we had 3 nights of well below freezing temperatures! Thankfully, there were more new blossoms by the weekend so the damage was not as bad as it might have been; Right, until we can move the chicken house, Jer is picking green stuff for the new hens to eat from the far backyard. The hens we had before were ok with being out in the middle yard but the new ones Jer got a few months ago can fly higher and try to get over the fences even with their wing feathers clipped, so for now they are confined to the small area where the hen house is.





Left, some wind generators Józsi saw one morning, doing some work outside of town; Center, Józsi was given some yummy smoked meat and sausage this week; Right, it's the time of year for the cats to get  anti-flea drops. (Since our oldest cat Gracie is still allowed to go outside, this is necessary.)





Left, the week started out fine but then we had a serious drop in temperatures for a few days and frost in the yard; Center, this week's only cat photo... one of the three black kitty sisters, Daphne, and her big eyes; Right, the cold damaged the tulips a little but they still looked pretty when it warmed up and rained a bit.






Far left, the hazelnut tree started to get a lot of leaves this week; Left, blossoms on the apple tree in the far backyard; Right, strawberry blossoms starting to appear in Jer's garden area next to the house; Far right, the plum trees had some damage from 3 nights of very cold temperatures, but by the end of the week more flowers bloomed so hopefully we can still get a fair amount of plums.




Photos (borrowed from local sources) of pre-school kids putting Easter eggs on the tree at the bus stop a couple of blocks from our house.






Far left, Jer loves clouds and jet trails, and snapped this photo of the sky behind our yard one morning while out taking care of her hens; Left, pink wildflowers in the backyard; Right, peonies in Jer's side garden starting to grow; Far right, Jer's ferns under the driveway catio are starting to emerge.


April 2, 2023

This week started with Monday having VERY high winds, which broke another attic window at the back of our house. We had another visit from our local vet Anna to do the last round of booster vaccinations, and also had a day that started nice and sunny but then turned to snow, and then back to sun in 15 minutes! On Wednesday we made a trip to the nearby city of Gyor to get Jer a Hungarian ID. (In May she will have been living in Hungary for 25 years, but this is a new thing.) Jer's tulips started to bloom and the daffodils are almost ready. All in all, a pretty good week!





Left, a VERY windy day on Monday caused some damage to the ancient attic window... it broke one pane and dislocated another; Center, when Józsi arrived home from work he sorted out the mess as best he could with what we had on hand and braced the rickety old frame against the wind. He is planning to knock the old frame out sometime this summer, narrow the window hole with bricks and put glass bricks in instead of a window; Right, early morning sunlight on the bright pink blossoms on a tree in our next door neighbor's backyard.






Far left, one morning when Jer was out taking care of her hens, she spotted these birds up in our big walnut tree. The yellow one is the Eurasian Golden Oriole; Left, a couple of hours later Jer noticed that it was snowing outside!!; Right, about 15 minutes later it was melting; Far right, back to normal (with some leftover snow on the windshield of our Lada)






Far left, on Wednesday we had to take a trip to the nearby city of Gyor to do some stuff for Jer to get a Hungarian ID (after she has lived here since 1998!). She always had a residence permit but for some reason now she has to have a regular ID card too; Left, a pretty flower bed we passed which had some flowers blooming while our garden at home had not bloomed yet (probably because ours are in the shade of the house next door and these were not); While waiting at the train station we watched some cute kids and also saw this statue of  Gabor Baross, a Hungarian statesman from the 1800s; Far right, Józsi typing in the info to get us two train tickets back home.





Left, after we got home we decided to walk to a restaurant/pub in the village for some food and we passed by this garden along the way. The lady this garden belongs to was outside chatting with someone and offered us some starts out of her garden... life in a village, we love it!; Center, after having eaten lunch in the restaurant owned by some friends of ours, Józsi went to pay the bill; Right, Józsi ate all his food but Jer (as usual) ate half and saved the rest for later and asked them to pack it in a carry box. It was yummy! (she had Chicken breast "a la arch duchess" - lightly breaded, stuffed with mushrooms, bacon and cheese, with crushed onion potatoes on the side)



The Easter decoration at the bus stop a few blocks from our house.


Jer's kitchen window has now changed over to Easter mode!






Far left, early morning view in the backyard; Left, Jer spotted her first slug of the season... very tiny, but it only lived about 30 seconds after this photo was taken. Jer hates slugs! They do a lot of damage; Right, a view of our backyard with lots of blossoms on the fruit trees. Sadly, our temperatures here are predicted to be below freezing at night for the next four days, so we may not have many fruits; Far right, a shot of the moon taken from behind our house one morning.






This week the raspberry leaves started to grow, and the tulips next to the driveway started to bloom.  It seems like there will be a lot more yellow tulips when it's their turn!





Left, a dandelion growing in the garden next to our driveway; Center, a wildflower growing in the backyard, and Right, some of our 15 cats in the driveway catio at the end of the week. The coming week looks to be cold, but at least the warm spells are getting warmer!


March 26, 2023

This week began with another house visit from our local vet in the village to give a second round of booster shots to another 5 of our cats. (10 of the 15 now have had their booster shots) After she left, we took some time to make some changes to the kitty fountain area of the kitchen. The weather warmed up to warmer than normal for a few days, and a lot of blooms and buds emerged a bit earlier than usual.





The week started off with round 2 of kitty booster shots, and after Dr. Anna left we pulled out and cleaned under the dryer and put things back with extra protection behind the big fountain. We only have a couple of cats who have issues that sometimes mean urinating somewhere outside a litter box, but it helps to make the most likely areas easier to clean up. The kitty in the photo on the right is DeeDee, Jer's favorite kitty, and she is not one of those cats.




Left, one morning walking to work Józsi bumped into this kitty living about a block down from our house (we don't know what his real name is but he calls him Anthony); Right, some dark clouds in the sky across from our house another morning.





Photos of various types of blooms Jer saw this week... two on trees, and two in the yard. Spring isn't far off!





Left, Józsi took a photo of this tree in town at the bus stop one day, Center and right, flowers in the yard. The one on the right is a kind of violet that isn't common, but we always have a few in our yard.





On Thursday we had warm enough temperatures to be able to open the back catio (which doesn't get sun so is usually only open in very warm weather). Left, as soon as the cats heard Jer open the window, most of them raced to check it out!; Center, Gracie going out to bask in the sun on her little platform between the yards on that warm day; Right, two kitties in the back catio, RayRay and Casper, and as Jer was working on photos she also noticed little Rosie above them peeking out!





Left, this week Jer noticed there were a lot of daffodils trying to bloom next to the driveway; Center, a big drop and a lot of tiny drops on one of the leaves; Right, the leaves on the raspberry plants next to the driveway catio grew a lot this week.





This week the backyard was mowed for the first time this year.. the grassy areas in it had gotten quite tall. Left, before mowing, and Center, after mowing; Right, Józsi left an area of chickweed at the far back of the yard for Jer to continue using for the hens.






We noticed that red mason bees were starting to use the "bee hotel" that Józsi's dad made and gave to use last year. Yay!




We opened a new big bag of dry cat food on Saturday... and the cats rejoiced! They love to stick their heads in the large storage bucket and eat from it before the lid is placed; Right, Dennis, the biggest of the tabby trio siblings, reclining in a slimming pose in a cardboard box that once held 6 cans of cat food. He fits. Sort of.



Jer adds new pics here every Sunday night, or Monday morning at the latest.